Two things . . .
Ina sub thread over in the gungeon I asked a simple hypothetical: if you did a study of three groups; one has a pool with no regulations, one has a pool with restrictions (security fences, self locking gates and audible alarms) and the last has no pool. Which would you predict to have the most drownings? No response so far.
Also that place is called the gungeon, kinda neat name. They call this place basalt, sorta wimpy and not really applicable. We need a better moniker. Inside the moat? That would make us moaties. Don't like that so much. Any ideas?

(65,820 posts)"The Sane Ones" maybe...
(4,476 posts)The gungeoneers usually like to talk about swimming pools. Guess we can't regulate guns until we pass more swimming pool regulations.
I know one of them likes to call this place Castle Bansalot, but I think there's got to be a better name for this group.
Half-Century Man
(5,279 posts)That is a very dense stone, hard and fairly resilient to erosion.
not wimpy, maybe rockheaded
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)Half-Century Man
(5,279 posts)Castle Basalt sounds fairly robust.
Although being named by autocorrect is kinda lame.
(29,692 posts)....because of the pro-gun regulars who have been prevented from posting in this group. That's about as clever as gun obsessives get, I'm afraid.....
(54,770 posts)If you've never done it, it's a laugh to read the posts on the CC about us. Search under your user name and read the crud there. A bunch of it is from right wing gun fanciers who were booted from DU. Lots of confederate flags and the bigoted/callous comments you'd expect from cave/compound dwellers.
(6,650 posts)of this Group as published: Gun Control Reform Activism. This safe haven Group was formed so that DUers who support safe and sane gun control measures aimed at reducing the gun violence epidemic in this nation could discuss and promote the best ways to accomplish that goal without being subject to vitriol and ridicule by Second Amendment extremists. The Gungeon was, and remains, under the absolute control of a few very vocal and abusive individuals who consider themselves experts on all things related to guns. That is the reason that many DUers have trashed the Gungeon.
The banned list for this Group represents that vocal minority of "gun rights" extremists who attempted to disrupt this Group by using the same tactics that they use in the Gungeon to insult and out-shout any mention of gun control. They were rightfully shown the door, and that is a good thing. A few of those who were "banned" from this Group have gone on to being PPRd as "Gun Trolls."
Being called "Bansalot" is a small price to pay for the fresh air provided by the ability to post and discuss sensible gun control measures without the constant screaming of extremism in the background.
Finally, I don't support inter-Group pissing matches, and do not post in the Gungeon. I am perfectly okay with Gungeoneers posting whatever floats their boat in their own Group.
"Finally, I don't support inter-Group pissing matches, and do not post in the Gungeon. I am perfectly okay with Gungeoneers posting whatever floats their boat in their own Group."
Thank you sir.
(53,475 posts)... on firearms it seems kind of misleading.
GCRA works for me but I could see GunSmart or Gunsafe too.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)Gungeoneers banned from this forum for being disruptive.
(628 posts)Maybe the "Don't Touch My Guns!" forum? They certainly don't seem to ever talk about gun-control over there, beyond claiming stubbornly that it doesn't work.