Right Wing Guns = Right Wing Fear
I kind of feel bad for right wing gun nuts. Can you imagine going through life so afraid that you need a gun to cling to the same way a child needs a security blanket?
Make no mistake, thats what this gun craze is: Pure right wing fear. Theyre so terrified of the world that the only way they can get through the day is by fondling their guns and imagining killing the bad guy. The NRA certainly knows this and is making a fortune by capitalizing on it. Whip up the fear and the suckers will run out and buy more guns! And its totally working.
- Snip -
But I get the fear. I really do! The conservative movement has had the run of the country for almost 40 years. In that time they gorged on greed, intolerance and unearned privilege. The result is that America is in terrible shape and everyone knows whos responsible. At the same time, the racial demographics of the country are rapidly moving against the right and the partys almost over.
Right wing gun nuts arent really afraid that the evil gubmint is coming for them. Or that Mexicans are going to kill them. Or that Negroes are going to rape their women. What theyre really afraid of is that theyll be treated they way the right has treated everyone else for all this time. They know theyve literally gotten away with murder for generations and thats about to all end.
They're loud, and they're proud to be walking around armed in Fantasyland with their guns all polished and shiny and ready for the day when they can "water the tree of Liberty" with a little tyrant's (read Liberal) blood. Extremists from all ideologies, and especially right-wing extremists, shout the loudest when they are being shown to be what they really are: bullies and sociopaths.
Support a gun control organization of your choice today in any way that you can, and help put the brakes on the obscene proliferation of unregulated guns in this country,