77% of Americans Feel Firearm Rights Should Come with Some Restrictions; 14% Favor No Limitations
Percentage favoring stricter gun control on the rise
From 1998 to 2010, the percentage of Americans favoring stricter gun control fell steadily from 69% in 1998 to 45% in 2010. In the four years since that low point, this trajectory appears to have begun a reversal, rising for the first time, to 51%.
The vast majority of Democrats favor stricter gun control (76%, vs. 3% who say less strict and 14% who say neither), as does a plurality of Independents (47%, vs. 20% and 25%, respectively). Republicans, meanwhile, are split evenly between feeling gun control should be stricter, less strict and neither (30% each).
Looking specifically at laws related to control of hand guns, 52% of Americans feel such laws should be stricter while 17% say they should be less strict and 22% say neither. Though the percentage favoring stricter laws represents only a slight rise from 50% in 2010, this is again the first time since 1998 that this percentage has not declined.

(6,650 posts)platform, and President Obama, aims at the middle ground on gun control, but corrupt right-wing politicians (from both parties) who have been bought by the NRA/ALEC/Koch Brothers cabal stifle any attempts at sensible gun regulation.
As the American public becomes more aware, and changing demographics come of age, the right-wing gun lobby will be marginalized and made politically impotent. Second Amendment absolutists like to brag about their superior numbers and increasing influence, but they are whistling past the graveyard. The American public is rapidly losing its appetite for the gun violence epidemic in this nation, and is becoming more vocal about finding a solution.
Support a gun control organization of your choice today, and urge your elected representatives to fight the right-wing gun lobby by voting for needed and sensible gun control regulation at all levels of government.
(34,544 posts)Now how to make the numbers stick to politicians in D.C. - that's the challenge.