Behold Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America"In the world that surrounds us," he proclaimed, "there are terrorists, and there are home-invaders, drug cartels, car-jackers, knockout-gamers, and rapers, and haters, and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all."
"Do you trust this government to protect you?" LaPierre asked the crowd, which responded with a resounding "no!"
"We are on our own. That is a certainty."
Second Amendment absolutists pretending to be Democrats actively support Wayne LaPierre and parrot the same fear mongering clap trap that he spreads at every opportunity. The NRA, along with the gun manufacturers and the rest of the extreme right-wing gun lobby use fear as a marketing tool while hiding behind the Second Amendment, and this includes Democratic politicians who proudly claim that they have been "endorsed" (read coerced and/or bribed) by the NRA.
While admitting that the NRA is a right-wing organization to the core, NRA apologists claim that an "endorsement" by the NRA is a good thing for Democrats because Liberty, Freedom, and the American Way. Bullshit! An anti-social, un-American, fear-mongering organization like the NRA is nothing more than a front for American terrorists like the white-supremacist militia asswipes who showed up to "support" Bundy and threaten violence against government agents -- a gun humper's wet dream.
It is past time that the NRA be marginalized and fully exposed for the evil organization that it really is. Support a gun control organization of your choice today in any way that you can, and seriously consider voting against NRA-pandering Democrats in the upcoming Primary Elections. We need Liberal Democrats who are neither afraid of the NRA, nor will accept their endorsement and blood money.

flamin lib
(14,559 posts)Violent crime is down! I heard it in the gungeon!
(6,650 posts)find solace in the knowledge that Second Amendment absolutists believe that more guns are responsible for less crime because the NRA/ALEC/Koch Brothers extreme right-wing gun lobby told them so:
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)flaming lib: Violent crime is down! I heard it in the gungeon!
It's true, starting about 1993 violent crime rates & murder rates have declined. But what the gungeonears don't hear is that starting about the same time in the early 90's, the gun ownership rates & household gun ownership rates have fallen steadily in lockstep with the declining violent crime rates (despite rising national gunstock, for most new guns go to existing gun owners, & the increase in total guns does not keep up with population increases, thus the falling gun ownership rates).
So the underlying reason behind falling violent crime rates is the falling gun ownership rates.
I held in a small barf when I heard lapierre on the tape warn about 'lies all around us', or surrounding us, geez, he's not the one to speak about lies.
Hitler said people want to be deceived so let them be deceived - lapierre's no hitler but he sure does talk like a duck on that one.
(54,770 posts)Yet, we are supposed to accept them walking among us armed and fondling their weapons cache at home.
(6,650 posts)to "water the tree of Liberty" with a little blood...