Liberal evangelicals: We aren’t the mean-spirited, one-issue religion you see in the media
By Simon Greer, Reverend Dr. Joel C. Hunter and Pastor Michael McBride, Alternet
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 11:14 EDT

A white Evangelical leader who found his calling in the Civil Rights movement? A Pentecostal pastor organizing against mass incarceration? Far from the monolith the media portrays, Evangelicals arent all right-wingers and fundamentalists. They are diverse, complex, and undergoing change. Many are fighting for justice.
Summits on Tenth, a new Internet video series produced by AlterNet and the Nathan Cummings Foundation, features conversations that blast through conventional thinking on pressing contemporary issues. The first episode, Evangelicals Building a Just America, brings you Reverend Dr. Joel C. Hunter and Pastor Michael McBride two dynamic church leaders that defy the public image of Evangelicals.
Simon Greer, CEO of the Nathan Cummings Foundation, uses his skills as an experienced organizer and leader to bring out some surprising insights from the Reverend and the Pastor.
Below, you can watch segments from the premier video of Summits on Tenth and below that, the full-length version embedded from the Summits on Tenth YouTube channel. What these leaders had to say may surprise and inspire you; it did for us. Thank you in advance for watching and sharing.
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