Acceptance and Gratitude: Transforming Spiritual Practices for Alzheimer's Caregivers
Jade C. Angelica
"God, Give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed..." - Reinhold Niebuhr
In the context of Alzheimer's care, spirit and science unite in this familiar prayer, informing us that acceptance is what research reveals to be the most healing balm for caregivers. But, similar to all spiritual endeavors, acceptance involves a challenging journey.
Our first challenge comes from the harsh realities of Alzheimer's disease that cannot be changed. Although these realities have the potential to foster feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, even within the most enlightened souls, striving to accept them will ultimately help us cope. Alzheimer's is terminal -- once the process of Alzheimer's disease has taken hold, the course of brain deterioration that will ultimately lead to death cannot, at this time, be stopped. The diminishment and the losses are ongoing, and can continue for up to twenty years. The costs of time and money can be enormous to individuals and to society. Our energies can be drained and our fears are often heightened.