Interfaith Group
Related: About this forumThanksgiving!
It is a national holiday with different traditions for many people in this nation but I figured I would add some music.

(68,644 posts)It's not an annual thing, it can be a daily giving of thanks and recognition.
I posted in a different thread today about an example of celebrating the special quality of every moment: the Japanese Tea Ceremony, more specifically, "the Ichi-go ichi-e":
Tea Following up on Benjamin Zander's inspirational teachings on the art of possibility (and performance), allow me to share a simple idea from the art of tea or Sadou, "the way of tea." You may think that the traditional art of Sadou (茶道

But it's not only about the specialness of each moment in the moment, but that every moment is eternal, too:
This idea of ichi-go ichi-e reminded me of a line from a famous jazz ballad from 1949 called "Again" (Mark Murphy's Stolen Moments version is my favorite; here are the lyrics). There is nothing "Zen" about the lyrics or their origins, of course, but there is one line from the song that has stayed with me since I bought the Mark Murphy album when I was 16: "We'll have this moment forever, but never again." I didn't understand that line when I was in high school, but it stuck with me. Now those simple eight words are almost a kind of mantra for me; and the meaning is clear and illuminating.
Ichi-go ichi-e, my friend!

(9,630 posts)[font style="font-family:papyrus,'Brush Script MT','comic sans MS',fantasy;" size=4 color=teal] Thanks for the info. It gives me a new word to add to my Japanese language notes as well as an "on-reading" for 会 that I was un-familar with.
I was used to its "on reading" as being カイ "kai" as in 社会人 ( しゃかいじん /"shakaijin"- working person) and its "kun reading" being あ・う as in 会う ("au"-to meet).
Always fun to find a new reading for my studies
Also, i find it interesting how kanji messes with smilies on this site. It was wanting to make my opening parenthesis on working person into a smilely until I added in the italicize opening and closing elements. I see it did the same to you when you posted
[center]茶道 and 一期一会.
I guess the owners didn't expect much kanji/hanzi being posted on DU [/font][/center]
(146,218 posts)
(9,630 posts)[font style="font-family:papyrus,'Brush Script MT','comic sans MS',fantasy;" size=4 color=teal] But Happy Thanksgiving to you too.