Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forumSorry, reasonable people don't act like this
The Sarah Palin of the Moonbat Left is at it again. Is it just me, or does that difficult woman from Massachusetts seem a little extra nutty here?
(Go to 4:05 for the start of the EW action)
We real adults know that the only way forward is to rise above partisanship, for those on the Left and Right to gore some of our sacred cows etc.
Third-Way Manny

(28,151 posts)She is obviously frustrated from trying to make progress and getting only a brick wall from Rethugs. You may have heard the expressions "hands on" or "in the trenches"? Yeah, that would be her.
I'd wager those expressions don't ever apply to you way up in that ivory tower.
(65,820 posts)
Manny just being Manny...
(53,475 posts)Why that's, that's, that's class warfare, that's what it is. And everyone knows the only acceptable class warfare is when the wealthy wage wars on the poor.
raging moderate
(4,554 posts)Elizabeth Warren really knows what she is talking about, she has a good grasp of BASIC MATH, and she is fluent in Standard English, with well-chosen words that show she understands that GRAMMAR IS LOGIC. She has really worked, really studied, really listened, and really spoken out to defend the rights of working people. She speaks from a wealth of pertinent facts, well-researched, carefully considered, and completely memorized. She refrains from bigoted remarks and self-serving fantasies.
Elizabeth Warren is a tireless champion for the rights of working people, including those who have been kicked out of the workplace, through no fault of their own, due to greed, arrogance, indifference, and incompetence in high places both in business and in government. Elizabeth Warren knows that there are not nearly enough jobs to go around right now, that the upper 1% has been given such a massive redistribution of wealth during the last 30 years that the US would be AWASH in jobs if their job-creator propanda were even remotely based in reality, and that the right-wing Republicans have done everything in their power to prevent job creation during this recovery. In this clip, she looks exhausted for all the right reasons, as she reports on her long struggle to achieve some kind of realistic compromise with implacable predators who consider the bottom 47% of the country to be their lawful prey, and she is understandably tired of the vicious dodges being used by the callous psychopaths currently running our US House of Representatives to block the extension of unemployment compensation that will prevent desperate people, including children, from FREEZING AND STARVING to death. It is, in fact, impossible to rise above what the right-wing billionaires are paying their minions to pile higher and deeper.
(34,589 posts)I agree with you 100%, I was trying to lampoon the far-right moderate Democrats who seem to feel that we need to work with Republicans and get rid of FDR Democrats.
(27,787 posts)actions stand on their own.
I'm sure you will cast her aside when she signs onto a bipartisan budget deal or something like that.
(34,589 posts)"Sound is that cup, but empty. Noise is that cup, but broken.'
- Robert Fripp
(27,787 posts)The person responding to you in post #4 thought you were attacking Warren.
Too much noise in your OPs, not nearly enough music.
(3,425 posts)It would be hysterical. Senator Warren has a habit of trying to hold her laughter back by trying to cover her face by adjusting her glasses. She did it during a debate with Brown. It would be hysterical.
(34,589 posts)Or appalling.
Probably both!