Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forumElizabeth Warren Must Crash The Clinton Coronation Party And Run For The Presidency - jschauerblog
Elizabeth Warren must crash the Clinton coronation party and run for the PresidencyJeff Schauer - jschauerblog
January 19, 2015
The media has a new obsession these days. Elizabeth Warren.
Or more precisely, the effect of Elizabeth Warren on Hillary Clinton, the presumptive nominee from the Democratic Party. The emerging conventional wisdom is that the mere presence of Elizabeth Warren in the Senate is far more serious or influential than the Massachusetts lawmaker would be in a presidential primary or in the Oval Office. The emerging conventional wisdomwhich might have been written in wherever Hillary Clintons non-campaign headquarters areis that Warren is forcing Clinton to change her rhetoric and move to the left during the primary that establishment Democrats desperately hope will be no kind of primary at all. This is a chain of events Clintons backers and hangers-on are willing to countenance because they know that precious little their candidate says during a primary will matter when the neoliberal, neoconservative Clinton gets down to governing.
Serious journalists might pick up on this and ask, given the expertise with which both Clintons triangulate and contort to fit a given audience, why it matters what Clinton says during a presidential primary when everything weve seen of her in and out of government suggests that she is firmly committed to the neoconservative, neoliberal consensus which keeps our country mired in imperial wars and our citizens stripped of the protections which succor the lives of citizens in most other democracies in the world today.
But the hacks who populate the pages of too many papers and news sites in the United States treat politics as a parlour game instead of an earnest moral endeavor that has the capacity to transform for better or worse the fortunes of hundreds of millions of people. Certainly, changes in Clintons rhetoric show the influence of people like Elizabeth Warren. But what matters at the end of the day is whom Clinton would owe when she entered the White House, and the kinds of interests that have shaped her thinking and political actionsnot wordsdown the decades.
More: http://jschauer.blogs.redding.com/2015/01/elizabeth-warren-must-crash-the-clinton-coronation-party-and-run-for-the-presidency/

(17,796 posts)CountAllVotes
(21,438 posts)

(2,104 posts)NYC_SKP
(68,644 posts)Just too dangerous to try to take a pic.
BUT, it was a little car with a "Ready for Hillary" bumpersnicker and driver and the car were just so memorable!
Like a poster child for, well, she looked like a very-low information voter.
I just wish I had a camera handy or had been a passenger and not driving.
(7,358 posts)ReRe
(11,347 posts)... I remember a few months back when I seen her taking a populist view and it was so phony it made me sick. It was like she had trouble saying the words, like reading it from a script without her glasses. Her heart just wasn't in tune with what was coming out of her mouth.
(53,475 posts)... progressives, whether it be in the House, the Senate or the White House (and State offices too, of course).
Doesn't matter what Clinton says; we know how she'll govern.