Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forumElizabeth Warren winning support for 2016 White House bid
By Hillary Chabot and Joe Battenfeld
The Boston Herald
April 15, 20!3
Just a few months into her first U.S. Senate term, Democrat Elizabeth Warren is generating increasing support among liberals as a White House contender putting her on a potential collision course with presumed front-runner Hillary Clinton.
Warrens tough stand against the Obama administrations proposal to potentially cut Social Security benefits has become a lightning rod for progressive groups looking for a more liberal standard bearer in 2016.
If Elizabeth Warren ran, millions of people would obviously support her candidacy enthusiastically, said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, who helped draft Warren to run for U.S. Senate against GOP incumbent Scott Brown.
Green said Warren already has won huge support from progressives for her recent bold questioning of financial regulators who she said are protecting big banks over families. Her rapid opposition to Obamas proposed cuts only added to her star power.
If Hillary Clinton or others dont firmly oppose these cuts, they open up a huge amount of political space for an insurgent to run and win, Green said.
More: http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/us_politics/2013/04/elizabeth_warren_winning_support_for_2016_white_house_bid

(14,255 posts)I am tired of the continuing status quo.
(5,113 posts)newfie11
(8,159 posts)Someone that is honest and has integrity.
(12,882 posts)But what she and we need is for her run for office to be bankrolled by WE who want her there. Hillary's gonna have special interest propellants to fuel her campaign. That and the phony luster of Billy Boy.
(8,159 posts)cantbeserious
(13,039 posts)eom
(19,153 posts)UnrepentantLiberal
(11,700 posts)eShirl
(19,153 posts)Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)I'm gonna steal that one.
hay rick
(8,549 posts)Quoting Homer Simpson...
(26,624 posts)naaman fletcher
(7,362 posts)I fear breaking up the too big to fail banks is the only thing that is going to save this country, and we know Hillary isn't going to do it.
(8,821 posts)Elizabeth will do it!
(17,796 posts)

(8,821 posts)They may have already heard who she is.
(17,796 posts)will get lot piles of cash for the primaries.
(8,821 posts)There may even be a few of the wealthy and powerful who see that their continued success depends on a serious dismantling of our outsized banking giants. The truly intelligent among them will understand this system must be brought under control or it will eventually destroy itself.
(17,796 posts)got all my fingers and toes crossed. Hoping and praying that she please, please, please run.
(56,582 posts)She's at 5% support if Clinton runs, 11% if Biden but not Clinton runs, and 18% if neither run, and below 3rd place (including below NOTA) in all cases. Her national topline is 45% recognition with evenly split favorable/unfavorable. It's early on, of course, and that recognition will increase, but evenly split is not an encouraging place to be this early on. Her over/under with Democrats is 40/15, about the same as Cuomo, and half the favorables of Clinton or Biden.
I love Senator Warren. I gave her campaign money and I knocked on doors in Raynham, MA, for her. I'm bringing this up as a reminder of how very, very far DU is from the nationwide party in terms of the candidates we like.
(17,796 posts)would run in red states?
(56,582 posts)Or something like that.
(17,796 posts)but I think it would be received fairly nicely among voters.
(56,582 posts)I'm less optimistic than you. Like I said downthread, I think she brings the problems of a Clinton campaign (sexism and regional/class resentment) with none of the advantages. And I'm a huge fan of hers.
(30,104 posts)whathehell
(30,104 posts)caledesi
(11,903 posts)Scuba
(53,475 posts)whathehell
(30,104 posts)joshcryer
(62,515 posts)Hypothetically speaking, wasn't Obama a practical unknown?
All she needs is a convention speech... 2014 electioneering speech maybe? I know it's not a convention...
(56,582 posts)She doesn't seem to poll well outside of the leftish end of the Democratic party, is my point; Obama had generally and broadly positive responses from the moment he appeared.
(62,515 posts)Is that fair you think?
(56,582 posts)But, the 5% support suggests to me other people in the party are thinking that way too.
Look at this from an "optics" standpoint: she's a liberal, female, New England Ivy League college professor who has admitted to embellishing her nonwhite "credentials" for professional advancement (and expect things like "if white people aren't discriminated against, why did she do that?", etc.) If you had to pick a caricature of a Democratic candidate for Republicans to attack, it would be something like that. I think she brings the weaknesses of a HRC campaign (sexism, flyover country resentment) with none of the benefits (Female voters don't "see themselves" in her the way they do with HRC). That last bit I've never understood. Clinton has it and Palin has it; Bachmann and Warren don't (I'm not comparing any of those people in any other sense, only that when asked, female voters identify with Clinton or Palin but not with Bachmann or Warren).
Response to Recursion (Reply #24)
UnrepentantLiberal This message was self-deleted by its author.
(509 posts)I assume you're referring to this PPP poll from March 2013
"PPP surveyed 1,247 voters, including an oversample of 666 usual Democratic primary voters and 1,125 Republican primary voters, from March 27 to March 30. The margin of error for the overall sample is +/-2.8%, +/-3.8% for the Democratic portion, and +/-2.9% for the Republican portion."
Q1 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Joe Biden?
Favorable........................................................ 40%
Unfavorable .................................................... 47%
Not sure .......................................................... 13%
With a +1% favorability rating versus unfavorable, the only candidates with a higher favorability rating are Clinton, Christie, Rubio and Ryan.
If Warren wants to run, and I believe she's at least considering it, there's plenty of time for her to do the necessary grunt work. Currently, my dream ticket is Warren/Schweitzer.
(56,582 posts)Warren is solid where we're already solid; that's my worry.
(13,211 posts)UnrepentantLiberal
(11,700 posts)as closely as people who post to political websites. I know this from talking to them.
(62,515 posts)They like raw data and stuff. It's interesting to pick their brain. I don't think they mean anything mean by it.
(56,582 posts)Also, I just noticed this is the EW group, not GD, so my cold water isn't exactly a propos here. Sorry, all!
(11,700 posts)You have to expect some push back from people if your posts run counter to people's wishes but a group where only the most cheerful, worshipful, "Elizabeth Warren can do no wrong" posts are allowed would be insufferable and crazy. (I don't think I have to say which DU group I'm referring to.)
(62,515 posts)I was really trying to get a short thing going about prospects and that isn't something I would've done in this group at all (even if welcome, the discussions get super speculative this far out and they're wildly hypothetical so offense could be had).
And congrats for being at the top of the greatest page.
(26,449 posts)
We have to wait for her to be Prez before we go there

rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Someone said, "I find comfort from those that agree with me and growth from those that dont."
I accidentally stepped into "the group" you are hinting about and was banned after one post. I dont mind at all.
We need a progressive candidate in 2016. But Sen Warren will have a uphill fight against Sen Hillary and her corporate sponsors. It's time to start fund raising for her.
(62,515 posts)Yikes, I apologize for trying to pick your brain. I assumed it was GD or GD !
(509 posts)I've worked on hundreds of surveys, so I'd love the data for the one you cite. So much depends on who's conducting the survey, the questions being asked and what type of sample was pulled.
(56,582 posts)Also including ideological self-identification because it shows both parties' coalitions are weighted to their own right.
General Election Toplines
Q18 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Elizabeth Warren?
Favorable........................................................ 23%
Unfavorable .................................................... 22%
Not sure .......................................................... 56%
Q28 Would you describe yourself as very liberal,
somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat
conservative, or very conservative?
Very liberal ...................................................... 11%
Somewhat liberal ............................................ 16%
Moderate......................................................... 31%
Somewhat conservative.................................. 23%
Very conservative ........................................... 19%
Republican Primary Toplines
Q11 Would you describe yourself as very liberal,
somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat
conservative, or very conservative?
Very liberal ...................................................... 1%
Somewhat liberal ............................................ 5%
Moderate......................................................... 19%
Somewhat conservative.................................. 35%
Very conservative ........................................... 39%
Democratic Primary Toplines
Q9 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Elizabeth Warren?
Favorable........................................................ 43%
Unfavorable .................................................... 13%
Not sure .......................................................... 44%
Q10 Given the choices of Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton,
Andrew Cuomo, Kirsten Gillibrand, Martin
OMalley, Deval Patrick, Brian Schweitzer,
Mark Warner, and Elizabeth Warren, who
would you most like to see as the Democratic
candidate for President in 2016?
Joe Biden........................................................ 18%
Hillary Clinton.................................................. 64%
Andrew Cuomo ............................................... 3%
Kirsten Gillibrand ............................................ 1%
Martin O'Malley............................................... 1%
Deval Patrick................................................... 1%
Brian Schweitzer ............................................. 1%
Mark Warner ................................................... 2%
Elizabeth Warren ............................................ 5%
Someone else/Undecided............................... 6%
Q11 Given the choices of Joe Biden, Andrew
Cuomo, Kirsten Gillibrand, Martin OMalley,
Deval Patrick, Brian Schweitzer, Mark Warner,
and Elizabeth Warren, who would you most like
to see as the Democratic candidate for
President in 2016?
Joe Biden........................................................ 49%
Andrew Cuomo ............................................... 10%
Kirsten Gillibrand ............................................ 7%
Martin O'Malley............................................... 1%
Deval Patrick................................................... 2%
Brian Schweitzer ............................................. 2%
Mark Warner ................................................... 3%
Elizabeth Warren ............................................ 11%
Someone else/Undecided............................... 15%
Q12 If neither Hillary Clinton nor Joe Biden ran for
President in 2016, who would you most like to
see as the Democratic nominee?
Andrew Cuomo ............................................... 22%
Kirsten Gillibrand ............................................ 5%
Martin O'Malley............................................... 8%
Deval Patrick................................................... 4%
Brian Schweitzer ............................................. 1%
Mark Warner ................................................... 5%
Elizabeth Warren ............................................ 18%
Someone else/Undecided............................... 36%
Q13 Would you describe yourself as very liberal,
somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat
conservative, or very conservative?
Very liberal ...................................................... 17%
Somewhat liberal ............................................ 30%
Moderate......................................................... 39%
Somewhat conservative.................................. 9%
Very conservative ........................................... 5%
Crosstabs are here, and are rather surprising on a lot of points.
(8,821 posts)I'll knock on doors for her whenever she says it's on! Eight years of Elizabeth Warren as President would likely put Wall Street right back in its box. With her in charge, we would truly have a chance to win our country back!
Warren for President in 2016!
Response to another_liberal (Reply #11)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(22,000 posts)If she chose to run. That being said, I'll remain uncommitted until I see who actually runs.
(668 posts)How nice would it be to have someone that is not an insider be president. They will do what ever they can to get her out of the way, by they I mean the powers in Washington on both sides of the political spectrum to put up road blocks to stop her.
(62,515 posts)Unlike last time.
(34,589 posts)Come 1/20/2017, I expect Markey to take her place in that role.
(62,515 posts)Everyone should know this: http://www.usatoday.com/story/onpolitics/2013/01/30/elizabeth-warren-seniority-senate-john-kerry/1877583/
This is awesome.
Seniority in the Senate is very powerful.
(25 posts)If these two teamed up! Talk about a dynamic duo!
(12,912 posts)them. I can't think of a situation or person that would make me vote republican.
I think Elizabeth would make a good Prez.
(1,576 posts)Dean was destroyed by MSM and his detractors ... he didn't implode. They'll make volcanoes out of mole hills and turn everything into bizarro-land. They'd do it again in a heartbeat if she ran.
Baitball Blogger
(49,483 posts)closeupready
(29,503 posts)the day she announced. K&R
(11,903 posts)FreeBC
(403 posts)WillyT
(72,631 posts)

(13,305 posts)The powers that be in our party will never allow a true populist or anyone even remotely liberal to become president.
(11,700 posts)She's brilliant and politically astute. I think if there were skeletons in her closet Tim Geithner and the Republican Party would have found them when they derailed her candidacy to direct the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She's not hyper and given to being a loose cannon like Joe Biden and Howard Dean. She knows they will pull out all the stops to smear her and will be ready for it if she decideds to run.
(13,305 posts)I'm worried about what the Democrats will do.
Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)is the day I:
1)Re-register as a Democrat again,
2)Head to Massachusetts (I promise to learn how to correctly spell it first) to work on her campaign. I'll sleep in the back of my truck if I have to but I know I'm going to do EVERYTHING I can to get her elected.
(11,197 posts)Hillary who?
Put me down for Warren at this point. I've had more than my fill of DLC types like that Hillary one...time to reclaim the party from GOP flavored Democrats.
(57,936 posts)She thinks like the rest of us because she hasn't spent half of her life in Washington, D.C.
We are so sick of the D.C. crowd. They just perpetuate their own callousness. They run in circles constantly. Elizabeth Warren sees through all that.
(11,700 posts)I saw a repeat of a fundraiser from around 2004 on CSPAN that was eye opening to say the least. There they all were: Hillary, Obama, David Axelrod, Rohm Emanuel and other power players yucking it up.
Obama didn't appear out of nowhere and seize the nomination. What a fool I was to believe he was a liberal in 2007. Good one! Nope, there was nothing under any of the bottle caps. Sucker!
(57,936 posts)or New York or Los Angeles or San Francisco, etc.
You have to have friends. But Elizabeth Warren is not sold out to that establishment. We don't know what she has to say about foreign policy or even a lot of domestic policy, but her common sense has not been wrung out of her on the compromise circuit of D.C.
Regardless of who she hob-nobbed with outside her university classroom over the course of her life, she has her feet on the ground.
Someone who is known to no-one in the Democratic Party hierarchy cannot get elected.
Elizabeth Warren has proved her ability to step on the toes of those who take advantage of their power and positions. When she speaks about things she cares about, her outrage and her emotional commitment are visible. That is not true of the usual party hacks.
On top of that, she is a brilliant woman with fire and energy. I really like her, as you can tell.
Hillary-- not so much. She has become just another politician with little rapport with ordinary people. She has had it too good too long. She started out with a lot of compassion, but I have seen quite the opposite in her since her White House years.
I saw a video encounter between Hillary and the Code Pink women that took place prior to the Iraq War. Hillary showed herself to be shockingly arrogant and dismissive of the Code Pink women who had actually gone to Iraq and warned that the War was ill advised and would cause terrible suffering. Hillary just raised her nose and huffed out. It revealed everything I needed to know about Hillary.
No thanks. Not Hillary.
(27,315 posts)I wonder what the agenda is there.
Proud Public Servant
(2,097 posts)I was just about to say something similar...
(53,475 posts)on point
(2,506 posts)silvershadow
(10,336 posts)Babel_17
(5,400 posts)And they can come up with endless copy just by tweaking the narrative.
(4,775 posts)Will work for Warren.
I know of no better candidate at this time.
If Hillary, Biden, or someone similar ends up getting the nomination I will watch disinterestedly from the sidelines.
(26,624 posts)TheProgressive
(1,656 posts)She has my vote...
(13,792 posts)will try to hamstring her.
I halfway ponder asking Skinner of we can have a "NO Hillary 2016" group.
winter is coming
(11,785 posts)As someone of the "NO Hillary" persuasion, it's got nothing to do with Hillary as a person; I'm just opposed to voting for another centrist... any centrist. I doubt Skinner would go for a "NO centrists 2016" group, but he might be amenable to a "YES progressives 2016" group.
(13,792 posts)I guess I might need to ask Skinner if that would be kosher.
(14,807 posts)people to assist her as well as a strong majority.
(30,439 posts)
Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)He'll have advantages in name recognition, money, support of elected Democrats, and media treatment.
The first question will be: Who will carry the progressive standard against the neoliberal Cuomo? It might be Warren but there are some other possibilities.
We don't have winner-take-all primaries, so Cuomo would face a harder road than did Romney in 2012 (each of them being the establishment candidate that much of the base considers too centriest). We could survive some splitting of the vote among some combination of Sherrod Brown, Martin O'Malley, Elizabeth Warren, Sheldon Whitehouse, and probably a few more I could add if I weren't tired. (I don't think Alan Grayson would be in the mix. He's a superb firebrand but a firebrand type makes too many voters uneasy when they contemplate the heavy responsibilities of the Presidency.)
Nevertheless, I gloomily predict that if Biden and Clinton both opt out, Cuomo will be the nominee.
(24,096 posts)ChangeUp106
(549 posts)Look it's a longshot, but if people really want this we have the power to get her name out there. I think there's a lot of people who would really support her, but just don't know her yet. For example my Mom is a lifelong Democrat, has worked for Democratic state reps for years, and is fairly to the left of where the party currently is. I talk about Warren all the time, but she has never really seen her speak or hear what she's all about. No doubt in my mind she would go with her over Hillary.
Spread the word
(549 posts)The ONLY attack the Republicans have on her is the whole Native American thing. Look on Twitter or in comment sections of news sites. They only ever talk about her being Native American. Never anything about her policies. That attack won't play nationally. It will be another Benghazi or Jeremiah Wright.
(1 post)
The question would Senator Warren be a great president but can she maintain her honor.
Too many times great candidates become less impressive presidents.
(71,265 posts)
(7,018 posts)a generalization. I think it's more important to look at what she has done.
Does she show any fear when she asks questions like how come not one
of the banker execs. are in jail, when they clearly through their illegal acts
were responsible for having brought the present economic disaster to our
entire nation. There are other examples that she can and does do the
right thing for the American people.
Elizabeth Warren is clearly her own woman. She can't be bribed, either.
I am with her all the way. We need a person with integrity, intelligence,
initiative, and dedication in working for the betterment of all Americans.
Her name may not yet be a household word, but she is already half-way
there, and we still have 3-1/2 years to go. I am quite confident she will
be very well known before then .
(490 posts)I donated money to her campaign but was too sick to help with much else. (I'm disabled.) If she runs against Hillary, I will support her to my dying breath but she's going to have to run on lots and lots of small donations. Wall Street hates her guts. Big money donations will be a problem... especially with that wretched Citizens United decision. Of course, that's going to be a problem for anyone who runs on the Democratic ticket. Less so for Hillary. I would have voted for Hillary in 2008 but my biggest concern for her then and now was Warhawk.
I was afraid she would feel a need (especially as a woman) to show how tough she is when it comes to matters of defense. Sadly, I think Elizabeth might fall into this same blackhole. Women don't dare show themselves to be "weak" on defense matters. Maybe I'll be wrong and Warren will surprise me. If we get Markey in the Senate permanently, I might not feel so bad about having to go through another special election here in Mass.
I hope that post made sense. I'm in insomniac hell right now and can barley type.
(30,104 posts)I don't believe we've had a Democrat from the "democratic wing of the democratic party"
in the White House since Carter, or maybe even Jack Kennedy.
As for EW on Defense issues, I think she could always turn to someone with strong credentials in that area for VP.
This could be really exciting!
(7,661 posts)since viewing this video a few years back.