What are some of your favorite progressive sources? Make suggestions to add to a master list.
Last edited Fri Nov 14, 2014, 08:51 PM - Edit history (5)
Hi DU:
Now that we have the group, let's develop a list of resources to maintain in a thread we can pin to the top of the board.
We're looking for both "alternative progressive news SOURCES", and useful media gathering TOOLS, such as news feeds, little known cable and broadcast television and radio stations, podcasts, social media, etc.
Please add your contributions and a short description along with the URL would be helpful.
O'Reilly media: http://oreilly.com/
Open Source: http://opensource.com/
Larry Lessig's blog: http://www.lessig.org/
Real News: http://therealnews.com/t2/
Now gone, GNN: http://gnnarchive.blogspot.com/
Formats and tools include:
Streams- http://new.livestream.com/
Apps- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/all-voices-progressive-democratic/id443074735
Twitter clients: http://twitter-client-review.toptenreviews.com/twitterfeed-review.html
HAM radio (why not?): https://www.facebook.com/NorthPlatteProgressiveRadioClub
Progressive Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/progressive-podcast-network/id191969709
Independent Media: http://www.indymedia.org/or/index.shtml
Free Press: http://www.freepress.net/
Underground progressive radio: http://tunein.com/station/?StationId=131333
Citizen Radio:
Nation of Change: Progressive Journalism:
Majority Report with Sam Seder:
Free Speech TV: News & Video
Avedon's SideShow News & Links:
Open Democracy:
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism:
Link TV.org: Connecting You to the World:
Institute for Public Accuracy: http://www.accuracy.org/news-releases/
World Wire: http://world-wire.com/
Media Wire" http://www.poynter.org/category/latest-news/mediawire/
Spiegel Online International: http://www.spiegel.de/international/
Media Channel, a directory of resources: http://www.mediachannel.com/
Stratfor Global Intelligence: http://www.stratfor.com/ ***Stratfor is a contractor to CIA, pretty creepy.
Also, if you have suggestions for how to logically order these various resources, please feel free to offer ideas!

Update with two new interesting sites:
Disinformation- http://disinfo.com/
Project Censored- http://www.projectcensored.org/
A few more from the new Progressive Reform group:

(8,361 posts)cry baby
(6,796 posts)proverbialwisdom
(4,959 posts)NYC_SKP
(68,644 posts)
(84,711 posts)NYC_SKP
(68,644 posts)KoKo
(84,711 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)BlueStreak
(8,377 posts)When you say "We're looking for both "alternative progressive news SOURCES", and useful media gathering TOOLS, such as news feeds, little known cable and broadcast television and radio stations, podcasts, social media, etc." it seems to me the focus is on actual reportage, and not folks who just talk about what other have reported. I think that is a wise choice, although it is probably a fuzzy line.
For example, Huffpo does very little real reporting, and I'm not even sure I would call them progressive anymore. Maybe Dailykos is a better example. Clearly progressive, but mostly just commentary. They do, however commission polls, which is a form of original reporting.
Where would somebody like Thom Hartmann fit? Mostly his stuff is commentary, but he does have a very good talent for connecting information from all over the map.
(68,644 posts)...stories and material neglected by mainstream media, and any cool tools to find and follow them.
Thom Hartmann carries good material but it is more opinion than raw reportage.
I agree that Kos and HuffPost are commentary and/or repostings, not at all what we want to bring to group.
The Straight Story
(48,121 posts)All the papers/tv/etc in the US
Worldwide with a map. Just click and go.
Palestine news:
And sometimes....my own radio show. Here is a link to an interview I did with Activist Harry Fear.
We cover a lot of topics and am starting my own show on Saturday nights in about 2 weeks. While I will be mainly handling odd topics (paranormal and such) I will be doing interviews and covering government/politics (I am working on a show on foodstamps in Ohio and on a dog shooting in Ridgecrest, CA - we are working on a lot of original content).
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)How about:
The Nation
(68,644 posts)Thanks!
(8,377 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)BelgianMadCow
(5,379 posts)did I say Matt Taibi?
Matt Taibi!!
(68,644 posts)I think it has some useful links, like billmoyers.
(84,711 posts)But, this is so new maybe we need a little more time to see how it evolves.
I'd like to eventually do something about Roku Box Sources for alternative news links, but just trying to see how this goes for now.
(68,644 posts)Work has me scattered!
Divine Discontent
(21,056 posts)locks
(2,012 posts)David Sirota
Mother Jones
Global Research
High Country News
Jim Hightower
(2,921 posts)Catherina
(35,568 posts)dsteve01
(312 posts)I keep trying to get up the energy to put together some media pieces, but I'm all drained out of ideas. I'm thinking about maybe doing a video on the stats regarding the Affordable Care Act.
But lots of OC on the c-spans--waiting to be edited.
(95,895 posts)I'd like to join this group. I'm an admitted news junkie and like DU for it's diverse access to news and links that would take me all day, every day to read through. I have been meaning to check this group for a few weeks and have procrastinated, sorry. Since it sounds interesting and started on my birthday, somehow I feel drawn to this group.
I have some additions for news sites and sources...
(Used to be HeadwatersNews) out of one of Montana's universities. I live in the northern Rockies and a lot of environmental/natural resources/wildlife-political things go on here that should be more widely known. This site has regional daily news on weekdays and posts reviewable subject links on weekends and holidays. Well worth checking into.
political news headline portal
where you can find Ezra Klein's stuff when he's not on MSNBC-ED-RMS-Last Word. (merely for those who might be interested.)
International news, less subjective than BBC.
An interesting nonprofit broad spectrum yet progressive news approach from Bainbridge Island, WA.
http://www.thewildlifenews.com/ (Covers wildlife, policy, politics, natural resources)
A blog created back in the 1990s by a PoliSci professor, in Idaho, for his students but was very popular off campus so it lives on though he's been retired for a while now. Some politicians read it and sometimes it makes some of them think. Articles are written by the likes of George Wurthener and some folks you've never heard of but are noted actuaries in their states from elected officials, F&G folks, people who actually, physically reintroduced the grey wolf to Yellowstone NP and central Idaho and NGO-wildlife-advocacy folks... the comments can be as annoying as hey can be here (DU,GD) but the articles are worth the read. Kind of sporadic and sometimes real busy on putting forth articles. The thread titled: Do You Have Any Interesting Wildlife News? is a good place to ferret out stuff that gets hidden in the dregs of news services.
There are many others in my bookmark file but I'll leave it at these for now.
(68,644 posts)Thanks for the suggestions.
I still need to take some time and pull things together.
For now, welcome!
I am sure it takes a bit of effort to sort through it all. There are many good suggestions and some are offerings I would have submitted but they are already here, somewhere, and I didn't want to offer duplicates, wasting your time.
It looks like a place I can get plenty of the information that matters to me! Hope I have some to share that interests others.
(119,275 posts)Ian David
(69,059 posts)Basic LA
(2,047 posts)Stephanie Miller & "voice deity" Jim Ward are two of the funniest people on the left today. But the third show member, Chris, steps pn all their jokes & ruins their comic rhythm. He even fact-checks jokes in real time & is a general comedy killer. It's still the best show around & I never miss it. I just wish the annoying Chris would STFU.
(27,509 posts)You can find their websites by following the links at wikipedia:
The OP mentions GNN, Frances Moore Lappe's son Anthony was involved in that:
GNN was co-founded by Stephen Marshall and Josh Shore in the summer of 2000. <snip>
Shortly after, GNN rounded out the core partnership with reporter Anthony Lappé; and investment banker-turned-producer Ian Inaba.
In 2000, he helped found the Guerrilla News Network, whose groundbreaking web shorts won numerous awards including the Sundance Online Film Festival.
(2,921 posts)"We need a fresh approach to defend the public interest. Our country faces a far-right Republican Party that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of corporate America, and a Democratic Party whose leadership is enmeshed with corporate power.
RootsAction is an online initiative dedicated to galvanizing Americans who are committed to economic fairness, equal rights, civil liberties, environmental protection -- and defunding endless wars.
We will not be silent as Congress and the president continue to squander billions of dollars on foreign wars, causing destruction and hatred overseas while failing to meet the needs of the vast majority of people in our country.
We will not stand by as people lose their jobs and homes due to Wall Street schemes abetted by both major parties.
We will not give the Obama administration a pass as it continues many of the same policies that sparked loud protests under the Bush White House.
We will take action -- independent of both party leaderships.
Thats why RootsAction has been strongly endorsed by such respected, independent-minded progressives as Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk and Coleen Rowley."
(2,605 posts)venezuelanalysis.com independent venezuelan news and analysis
http://www.ipsnews.net/news/headlines (http://www.ips.org/institutional/) journalism and communication for global change
http://www.btselem.org The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
palestineremembered.com information on palestinian history
http://www.atimes.com asian news and analysis
http://sourcewatch.org/index.php/SourceWatch CMD's niche is investigating and exposing the undue influence of corporations and front groups on public policy, including PR campaigns, lobbying, and electioneering.
http://www.opensecrets.org see who's giving and who's getting money
http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/index.html The National Security Archive
http://www.projectcensored.org the news that didn't make the news and why
http://www.whiterosesociety.org liberal and progressive talk radio audio archive
http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com alternative media
http://johnpilger.com/videos links to 58 John Pilger documentaries and films
https://www.alaskadispatch.com alaskan news and voices
http://consortiumnews.com independent investigative journalism Editor Robert Parry:
some of the places I look for news and information in no particular order...
(68,644 posts)http://leftvoices.net/wordpress/ Is run by a friend of mine, Andrea Sears.
For those interesting in donating to this informative, insightful, and progressive site. http://www.gofundme.com/SupportLeftVoices
Andrea is a solid progressive and award-winning journalist who for years worked at the recently shut down WBAI here in NYC. I am just thrilled to share with my friends here this new and exciting new media source.

(20,453 posts)Democracy Now! - http://www.democracynow.org
Mike Malloy Show - http://www.mikemalloy.com
I'm definitely adding some of these others, but give money to the two above, primarily.
(68,644 posts)Thank you.
I think they are listed within replies but if not they can be added to the master list.
Also thank you for the kick on the other post for Project Censored!
(7,018 posts)cui bono
(19,926 posts)Thom Hartmann and Ring of Fire are probably well known, but Ian Masters is not as well known and I got to tell you, he does some really great interviews and gets out some good information.
Thom Hartmann Radio Program
Live : Mon-Fri
3pm - 6pm Eastern
Live radio | Live TV | Podcast
Syndicated by Dial-Global, Pacifica, and simulcast on Free Speech TV Network on Dish Network and DirectTV, and on radio stations, American Forces Radio, and Sirius/XM. Live in the US, Africa, Europe and across North America - more people listen to or watch the TH program than any other progressive talk show in the world.
Robert F. Kennedy
Mike Papantonio
Sam Seder
A radio program featuring international and national news, expert guests, policy makers, and critics offering analysis and insight on national security, foreign and domestic policy, political, cultural, and social issues.
Five days a week, Background Briefing asks knowledgeable and thoughtful experts to explain the complexities behind major news stories in long-format interviews.
Background Briefing goes far beyond the headlines and deep under the radar to bring forward truths unheard elsewhere in American media.
The program airs Monday-Thursday at 5:00 PM Pacific Time and on Sundays from 11:00 to Noon.
Broadcast live on http://www.kpfk.org
Ian Masters is an Australian-born and BBC-trained journalist and filmmaker. He has made a career of asking provocative questions of the most informed thinkers in order to bring light to the day's most important news stories. Since 1980 his Sunday program, Background Briefing, has aired on KPFK-FM in Los Angeles. In 2009, the program expanded to five days each week.
In addition to his work on radio, Ian Masters hosts monthly forums at Los Angeles's UCLA/Hammer Museum. The Hammer Forum invites prominent and provocative guests to address relevant issues of public concern in conversation with each other and the public. All events are free and open to the public. Videocasts are available at http://hammer.ucla.edu/programs/programs/cat/7.
(56 posts)New, but growing quickly
(10,558 posts)...but just in case they have not, either or both might be worth taking a look at: http://www.bradblog.com/
(344 posts)Adding The Rick Smith Show!
A great progressive, populist, pro-labor radio program on from 3PM-6PM (Eastern) M-F.
(4,748 posts)Thanks, everyone!
(53,475 posts)NYC_SKP
(68,644 posts)I need to hire an intern to sort all these and edit my post!
(4,452 posts)I'm surprised that over one month no one else has posted this. https://thisishell.com/ is a great listen every week.
A long format interview show that has knowledgeable guests and a host that really digs into the heart of the subject.
The guests are voices that get little to no coverage from any media outlets in spite of the fact that they offer a more in depth and accurate knowledge of the subjects they discuss. They generally come away from the interview impressed at the thorough discussion allowed and promoted by the questioning.
Also part of the programming are the irregular correspondents from various regions or covering specific subjects that present view from the ground not the helicopter journalism that has become the norm.
Bill USA
(6,436 posts)Two of the best for debunking Rabid Right Disinformation:
(382 posts)http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/ - watchers of all things Wall Street and finance
http://wagingnonviolence.org/ - Waging Non-Violence
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/ The Monkey Cage, now at WPost
http://www.aeinstein.org/ - "Advancing peace with non-violent action
http://altwire.utne.com/zine/activistmedia_v3 - Utne Magazine's Activism Section
https://citizenactionmonitor.wordpress.com/ - Citizen Action Monitor
http://www.citizensforethics.org/ - Congressional watchdog, like a listing of the most corrupt members of Congress
http://www.nationalmemo.com/ - political news from a farcical point of view
http://legalschnauzer.blogspot.com/ Legal Schnauzer - one of my favorites. About Alabama politics, which has its tentacles in national news
http://www.addictinginfo.org/ National issues blog
https://www.muckrock.com/news/ - news about public records and FOIA
http://downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/ News Blog
http://www.opensecrets.org/ Congressional Watchdog
https://www.wired.com/category/security/ Used to be called Threat Level. Not just about security.
http://www.bipartisanreport.com/ - maybe the irony is that this is anything but bi-partisan! Very liberal leaning. I just found this, so can't yet vouch for its credibility.
(184 posts)Las Vegas Mixx
(316 posts)First link has a few progressive streams plus news channels. The second has news options.
Both are quick click-to-play listening with no web site advertising.
1. https://1-dot.com/radio/mini/?news+talk
2. https://1-dot.com/las-vegas/best-quick/radio.html
(5,126 posts)Example items:
Donald Trump
RNC Unanimously Votes to Withdraw From Presidential Debate Commission
Musks $43B Offer to Buy Twitter Is Nearly Twice His Entire Pre-COVID Net Worth
Sweden and Finland Joining NATO Would Escalate Tensions, Says Swedish Activist
Donald Trump
Trump Says He Advised Barr to Get Impeached in Support of Bogus Election Claims
Kentucky Legislature Enacts Draconian Abortion Ban, Overriding Governors Veto
McConnell Pins Inflation on Biden, But Has Raked In $1.2M From Corporate Donors
Donald Trump
Mark Meadows Removed From North Carolina Voter Roll Amid Voting Fraud Inquiry
Republicans Refuse to Name Courthouse After Black Judge in Overtly Racist Move
Corporate Profiteers Are Driving Inflation. It Hurts Poorer Countries Most.