Related: About this forumNinja Supreme Court Justice: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has Fun With Fame.
The star of the documentary RBG has embraced her popularity as another tool in her effort to help women advance.
'No one knew when, or even how or where, Ruth Bader Ginsburg would pop up. The Supreme Court justice was due at a screening here of RBG, a new documentary chronicling her exemplary life. But she was not tied to the nights tightly scripted schedule at some point she would just appear, like a ninja, an organizer said.
Gathered in a theater at the Naval Heritage Center, the crowd was amped. There were lawmakers (progressive Democrats and a smattering of conservatives); the justices family, friends and former law clerks; her colleague Justice Stephen Breyer; and self-described fan girls and boys.
I just love how she takes no crap from anybody, said Kerri Sheehan, a 49-year-old video producer, who wore a T-shirt printed, Warhol-style, with the justices face. Theres no sugarcoating.
When the justice arrived, bodyguards encircling her, the audience gave her a standing ovation, then hushed until she claimed her seat. She wore her hair pulled back with one of her beloved scrunchies, in navy velvet; a maroon tweedy blazer; slate-blue belled slacks; jewelry in just about every possible place jewelry can go; and carried her own large handbag. In front of her, arms shot up for the stealth selfie-with-a-famous-person snap. She didnt mind. . .
Reacting in anger or annoyance will not advance ones ability to persuade, she wrote in her 2016 autobiography, My Own Words.'>>>

(32,345 posts)Turns out there is a new theater complex that has opened just a 5 minute drive from my apartment. Leather recliners and food/beverage service!
I'm hooked! It is chain called Alamo Drafhouse and this is their first one in North Carolina. Also has video/DVD movie rentals! You can buy your reserved seat on-line and then just go to your seat when you get there.
(138,752 posts)which is where I've been. Just returned 'home!) Saw RBG Friday, and LOVED it!