Portsmouth High School bicentennial event on February 12, 2015 in Portsmouth, Ohio
The students of Portsmouth High School (PHS) have been hard at work to pull together an event for the city of Portsmouths bicentennial celebration, which is ongoing all year.
The upcoming 200 years of Portsmouth history has many local organizations planning big celebrations and projects to honor the town. A committee for the event contacted PHS about doing something. Superintendent Scott Dutey brainstormed with teachers about doing something in honor of the benchmark.
Not only has the school done something, theyve done a very big encompassing something.
The technology, music, art, history, and English departments of the school have been coordinating their efforts to bring history alive in a six-part installation.
History students have fished through old photographs of the town and its events. After researching the history of the photos and writing about what theyve learned, they passed the info over to the English students, who then wrote poetry in honor of what the history students discovered.
The Portsmouth Bicentennial event will take place Thursday, February 12 from 7 p.m. until all events are wrapped up. The art and poetry show will start first, with the concert beginning at 7:45 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will also be served.
Reach Joseph Pratt at 740-353-3101, ext. 1932, or by Twitter @JosephPratt03.
Link to the local newspaper article: