What do political terms even mean anymore?
During last night's debate, Hillary said she is a moderate and she also said she is a progressive. So, there goes the meaning of "progressive." Later, Chafee said there was no longer room in the Republican Party "for a liberal moderate Republican," so there goes the meaning of "liberal."
See also http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x2739138 (DLC now calling itself moderate, not centrist: post of madfloridian on DU2)
and, from Al From's book, The New Democrats and the Return to Power via a recent post of madfloridian http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027191121:
Coming from the center-left of the party, I was tired of having the DLC labeled as conservative. I decided to call our think tank the Progressive Policy Institute because I thought it would be harder for reporters to label it as the conservative Progressive Policy Institute."
argle bargle
P.S. Leftist, not "lefty," which is a nickname for people who are left-handed. At least let me have that.

(14,691 posts)merrily
(45,251 posts)Mnpaul
(3,655 posts)From and his buddies adopt a new term and move further right. This whole bunch disgusts me.
(113,131 posts)and yes, his position on social and some economic issues did qualify him as a liberal. His problem is that he stayed in the Clown Party a decade or two too long.
Those old New England Republicans weren't a bad bunch, just usually wrong on too many issues for my vote. I did vote for Ed Brooke when the Democrats ran a conservative stiff whose name escapes me. After Reagan got in, those days were over.
(45,251 posts)noiretextatique
(27,275 posts)