Related: About this forumThe classiest bong ever will get you high as f*ck AND look fabulous with your Swedish furniture
The slow process of mainstreaming cannabis in the USA is an ongoing source of fascination to me as a former, um, enthusiast. Im aware of a minor reefer civil war going on between bong-ripping hippies who feel that as long-time champions of the green theyre the soul and standard-bearers of pot-dom, versus hash oil vaping professional types who, with some justification, see themselves as the mainstream face of cannabis thats going to help win the acceptance of legalization thats eluded the whites-with-dreads brigades, but whom the hippies see as usurpers of weed culture.
But Ill score the new-school a point on this one: pipe and bong design has long been associated with juvenile eyesore bullshit for addled heads who evidently cant function without seeing ALL THE COLORS AT ONCE. And while Im glad such wares are keeping glass-blowers books in the black (my soft spot for the independent artisan transcends my perpetual irritation with both hippie culture and so-called upscale dicks), the Aura Water Pipe is an overdue injection of refinement into a marketplace that has long catered mostly to people who think rainbow-hued glass skulls are like, the ultimate, bruh. The reality is that to a great many pot users, pot isnt the lynchpin of an all-consuming, indentity-defining lifestyle of psychedelic art, jam bands, and 420 culture, its just pot.

(38,613 posts)
(9,958 posts)you'll stick it in the back of the cupboard with the rest of your pipes.