Related: About this forumSome pot math for ya regarding california
Some pot math for you all:
38.8 million people in CA.
10% smoke weed (a LOW number)= 3,800,000
at a rate of 1/8 ounce a week (a LOW number). = 1,940,000 ounces per month.
23,280,000 ounces per year.=1,450,000 pounds per year.
So that means that 1,450,000 one pound yield plants need to be grown just to supply 1/10th of the population with an 1/8 ounce per week. Not counting the number is more like 30% and the usage amount is probably twice that. Not counting the amount that leaves California either.
That's $1,455,000,000 dollars at 1,000 dollars a pound (A low number).

(70,718 posts)ghostsinthemachine
(3,569 posts)Still Ned to grow a plant to supply so the amounts are the same. Perhaps at the money figure changes.
BTW, not sure if you have or not, but I have, and it ain't that easy, in fact it is quite difficult, to produce your own high quality cannabis.
(45,358 posts)Around $200 for 8 ounces, give or take.
And it is easy once you learn how to do it.
(3,569 posts)And it ain't easy to grow high quality cannabis. Not retail sale quality. All the new strains out every year which means if you don't have the latest you have no product. Or you want the newer strains so your grow doesn't measure up.
Then there's all grow bags, Nutrients, soils, clones, drying racks, water etc and the information you need aren't cheap.
I've done it, on large scales and backyard types and it ain't easy at all. Rain (this last year especially) deer, spider mites,mold and the fact you cannot leave your plants for months at a time make it very difficult.
Then there are the various municipalities and ordinances that severely limit or outright ban backyard growing. Some are complete bans.
(4,299 posts)You left out that it is hard labor, especially when you are aged or have other challenges.
As for the math, I think only 25.6 are over 18 and I was too lazy to compute the over 16 population.
(25,577 posts)waddirum
(991 posts)With good genetics and a moderately green thumb, you can do it. It requires space and some investment.