Bernie Sanders: Trump lies about 'Medicare for All' and he's made health care worse
Bernie Sanders, Opinion contributor Published 2:06 p.m. ET Oct. 11, 2018
Given the presidents propensity to lie about almost everything, it is not surprising that Trump is grossly distorting what the Medicare for All legislation does.
Our proposal would not cut benefits for seniors on Medicare, as the president and his Republican allies claim. In fact, we expand benefits. Millions of seniors today cannot afford dental care, vision care or hearing aids because Medicare does not cover them. Our proposal does. In addition, Medicare for All would eliminate deductibles and copays for seniors and significantly lower the cost of prescription drugs. Medicare for All allows seniors and all Americans to see the doctors they want, not the doctors in their insurance networks.
Trump claims that Medicare for All is not affordable. That is nonsense. What we cannot afford is to continue spending almost twice as much per capita on health care as any other country on Earth. We cant afford the $28,000 it currently costs to provide health insurance for the average family of four. We cant afford to have 30 million Americans with no health insurance and even more who are under-insured with high deductibles and high co-payments. We cant afford to have millions of Americans get sicker than they should, and in some cases die, because they cant afford to go to the doctor.
Here is the bottom line: If every major country on earth can guarantee health care to all and achieve better health outcomes, while spending substantially less per capita than we do, it is absurd for anyone to suggest that the United States of America cannot do the same.