Jindal vs. O'Malley: A tale of two governors
I am bewildered by your extensive coverage of Bobby Jindal ["I support Citizens United ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court"] (who is polling No. 12 out of 14 Republican candidates) about 30 column inches in my version of the Oct. 13 paper, at an event with more than 20 people.
Jindal is ending his eighth year as governor of Louisiana a state that ranks in the bottom 10 for median income (No. 47) and for education (No. 50, according to the Chamber of Commerce). His state is top 10 in one category government subsidies receiving $1.37 back for every $1 it sends to Washington.
Is this really what we want for our country?
Meanwhile, my state edition paper had no coverage of the Martin OMalley visits to Newton or Des Moines, although the Metro edition ran an article Oct. 10 covering the Polk County Democrats fall fundraiser in Des Moines [O'Malley speaks to Polk County Democrats] at which OMalley received a standing ovation from more than 200 attendees.
In contrast to Louisiana, Maryland has the highest median income of any state, and an educational rating that has gone up for the past five years. That is what I think we actually might want for our country.
Mary Hoyer, Salem