Martin O'Malley
Related: About this forumDoes anyone else feel like this about O'Malley?
Today, for reasons too many to enumerate, I am feeling both Clinton and Sanders fatigue. At the same time, I am feeling very comfortable with and proud of Martin O'Malley. I don't feel anger; I don't feel hatred; I don't feel sadness. I feel peace and contentment. The odds of O'Malley's winning the primary do not look favorable. But he keeps going. He keeps working to get his ideas out, and they are damn good ideas. I think he believes that these ideas are more important than whether he wins or loses. I think he is running for president because he believes it is the right thing -- the principled thing -- to do. However well he does in the "race," I feel proud of him.
Are many others starting to feel the same way? If so, what does this mean? What benefit will it have for the Democratic party and the people of America? Maybe more than a primary or election is at stake.

(1,252 posts)I am for Bernie but I could see O.
(138,752 posts)Haven't quite gotten there yet, but was pleased to hear about MO'M's approach to 'Data-gate,' discussed at the end of this video:
(5,621 posts)but, it's the attacks that are fatiguing. O'Malley hasn't been attacked hardly at all. We've tried talking issues, but that has failed. I would vote for O'Malley in the GE.
(138,752 posts)I HATE having to post something 'controversial' JUST to obtain a few replies here.
(2,798 posts)But, elleng, your perseverance and demeanor under fire is edifying. Just don't burn yourself up over all this. It just isn't worth it. Nor would O'Malley need or want you to do that. For my part, I will step aside and wait for the fires to burn themselves out on DU. We can help O'Malley in other ways.
(9,497 posts)I have really grown to respect the man, Martin O'Malley and I was very suspicious of him in the beginning. You and others, have just stayed pretty much on task about informing the rest of us on who this complex man is. In a way, you all have been lucky as the attacks on him have been few and very far between. And as supporters, you haven't faced any fire bombs....and nor should you.
I wasn't on this site back in 2008, but I was on a lot of others and it got fierce.
Thank you to the O'Malley supporters for not getting jaded or cynical...and there is still the primaries to actually take place. It ain't over!
(138,752 posts)and you're welcome.
As to your moniker, thanks! ?w=654
(13,390 posts)It seems to me that the media is prioritizing drama over serious conversations. It is so irritating when Martin O'Malley has been so thorough on positions and plans. Then we have Bernie and Hillary talking gotcha politics or sound bites and it just seems childish.
I'm more and more impressed with him as I hear more from him. I so want to see him get more attention. Maybe it's up to us?
(138,752 posts)ALWAYS the drama.
WE do our best, but it's difficult.
(13,390 posts)I guess it shouldn't be too surprising. People were disappointed when Obama turned out to be classy enough to avoid drama. I think it would be nice to continue that legacy. Martin O'Malley's temperment really fits that bill.
(2,798 posts)We can't put out all the fires, but we can put out the anger within ourselves. It does no good and lots of harm. I really appreciate O'Malley's positive outlook.
O'Malley has been attacked on many occasions, but he seems to handle it with patience and, sometimes, good humor. He accepts his own humanity.
In the end, Democrats have got to stand together and work for the common good. Their policies have to be inclusive and not divisive. Nothing else will work.
I will be taking time off from DU in order to practice mindfulness and become better at anger management. I don't like the stress levels provoked on this board.

(13,390 posts)Indeed! This answer seems to me to reveal a strength of character in his modesty, willingness to learn, and desire to serve the public.
This interview is well worth the read. Liberal? Progressive? He's fine with either....
JN: At Netroots Nation, Black Lives Matter activists challenged you on your Baltimore record and demanded specifics on issues of policing and mass incarceration. Did that make you a better candidate?
MO: Well, sure. Theres no progress without adversity, for a people or a person. Even for all of the service Ive offered, and all of the good things weve done in both Baltimore and the state of Maryland, none of us as white people can ever fully appreciate the constant sense of vulnerability that our black neighbors live with in our country. Im on a constant learning curve. Im always trying to get better, to deepen my own personal understanding so I can be of greater service.
(18,439 posts)For a few months now.
Unlike you, I ** am ** angry. Not really at Clinton or Sanders or their supporters (except the true a-holes on both sides), but at the <insert expletive of choice> media.
Like this morning, watching MSNBC, I am about ready to throw a shoe at the TV. It is all about Sanders and Clinton. They have shown Martin once so far - his tirade (deserved, btw) about gun control flip-flopping, where Sanders told him to "calm down" and Clinton told him to "tell the truth" (oh really, Hillary?). Okay my cats just made me get up and go to the kitchen for a minute so maybe they slipped another snippet of O'Malley in there while I was gone? Somehow I doubt it, you know?
(96 posts)I have been leaning HRC but after listening to the past few debates, I would be more than willing to support and even work for O'Malley. I like his positions and his style. I think he is thoughtful and willing to listen and entertain other viewpoints. I really like him!
But none of the other Democrats I know have heard anything about him. I am trying to get them to do more research and hear what he has to say but the media isn't giving him any traction. They don't take him seriously. He is for me a very viable option to HRC and Sanders. Is it too late for him to get more out there?
(138,752 posts)I posted it here, but also @ my FB page (and another fb page that favors MO'M)
It's a great NH townhouse, where much info is provided, and lots can be learned about him:
It's NOT too late.