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Schildbürgerstreich der Spaghetti-MonsterJetzt wird vor Gericht genudelt,7169130,31287962.html
Es ist so weit, liebe Schwestern und Brüder, liebe Piraten und Freibeuterinnen, geschätzte Gemeinde: Unser Rechtsanwalt hat unsere Klage gegen das Land Brandenburg zur Genehmigung unserer Nudelmessenhinweisschilder eingereicht. So verkünden es die Nudel-Jünger von Templin in pastaralem Ton auf ihrer Webseite.
Die Pastafaris, Mitglieder einer satirisch-kritischen Religionsgemeinschaft, wollen, dass ihre Schilder gleichberechtigt mit denen anderer Religionsgemeinschaften geduldet werden. Dafür gehen sie jetzt sogar vor Gericht.
Ende 2014 hatten die Spaghettis mit ihren wilden Aushängen in der Uckermark für Aufsehen gesorgt. Das dortige Straßenbauamt hatte die Schilder zuerst entfernt. Später wurden sie zurückgegeben, erneut aufgehängt. Die Stadt drückte schließlich ein Auge zu und ließ die Nudeljünger, die sich deutschlandweit organisieren und sich so wohlschmeckende Namen wie Bruder Cannelonus al fredo und Bruder Spaghettus geben, ihre Schilder an Masten für Templins Partnerstädte anbringen. Doch das ist den Ulknudeln, die mit ihrer Gaga-Religion gegen Fundamentalismus kämpfen, nicht genug.
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"It of so far, Dear Sisters and brothers, love pirates and Freibeuterinnen, municipality of estimated: our lawyer has filed our lawsuit against the State of Brandenburg, to the approval of our pasta measuring sign." So, the noodle disciples of Templin declare it in "pastaralem" sound on its Web site.
Pastafaris, a satirical critical religion community, members want that their signs will be tolerated on an equal footing with those of other religious communities. They take now before the Court.
End of 2014 the spaghetti had caused a stir with their wild slopes in the Uckermark. The local road had first removed the signs. They were later returned, again hung up. The city finally put to an eye and let the pasta disciples who organise nationwide and so tasty name as brother of Cannelonus al fredo and brother of Spaghettus, bring their signs on poles for Templins partner cities. But that's not enough the Ulk noodles, fighting with Gaga religious fundamentalism
(17,505 posts)Cantata BWV 308
(24,670 posts)"Careful the slipping you fall ass hit hurt" or whatever...
Too funny.
(16,535 posts)"It is the time, dear sisters and brothers, dear pirates and buccaneeresses (or buccaneerettes?), valued community: Our attorney has filed our lawsuit against the state Brandenburg for approval of our noodle-masses signs." That's what the noodle-apostles of Templin announce on their website in a "pastaral" tone.
The Pastafaris, members of a satirical-critical religious community, wanted their signs to be treated equally to those of other religious communities. For that, they are now even going to court.
End of 2014 the Spaghettis caused some furor with their wild proclamations in the Uckermarck. The local traffic-department had the signs removed at first. Later they were returned, put up again. The town finally allowed an unofficial exemption from the law and gave the the noodle-apostles (who are organized Germany-wide and give themselves well-tasting names like Brother Cannelonus al fredo and Brother Spaghettus) permission to put up their signs on the poles where signs about Templin's partner-cities are hung. But that's not enough for the "Ulknudeln", who use their gaga-religion to fight fundamentalism.
Ulknudel - "Ulk" is a very, very old german term for a (verbal) prank; an "ulk-noodle" is a german term for a person who is well-known for doing jokes/pranks (noodle->loaf->body->person)