Democratic Primaries
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For the compaliners
The rant I posted on Facebook,
A carry over from 4 years ago when I challenged people who didn't like the process and thought Bernie got shafted. I asked them then if they were willing to do teh work required at the local level. Crickets. I expect the same this year. Unfortunately'
Just after the last presidential election I asked the people who supported Bernie if they were going to roll their sleeves up and work to change the Democratic party so it would be more to their liking. How many put aside a weekend, or a couple of nights a month to join the local party? How many did nothing but watch DWTS instead? Bernie didn't stay in the party. He didn't build up the party. He came in just to run once again for president. I like most of Bernies ideas but he hasn't shown the inclination to do the ground work. Neither have his supporters. They complain about the CA voting where as an independent you can't vote in the primary for a parties leader. Same as four years ago. The rules haven't changed. Now it's voter suppression. Really? You can change your affiliation at the ballot box. How is that voter suppression. The state told you months in advance you wouldn't be able to vote for teh parties presidential choice.
If you don't like what your party is doing YOU have to get into the mix. You have to find out where and when the meetings are. And ATTEND. The rewards go to those who show up. Not to the people who post complaints on FB. But it is much easier to destroy candidates and spoil their chances for election, even if they will be far better than Trump than it is to get your hands dirty.
Now will you change and work for 2022, 2024 or go back to DTWS and FB?
My money is that most of the complainers are dropping out until the next time and then complain about how they are for what others want and need but refuse to do the work.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided

(16,037 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(13,538 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Old Crank
(5,326 posts)But the candidate I would have preferred dropped out before I could vote. Then Warren dropped out. I was really hoping for some one younger than the Biden, warren, Sanders troikia. I was hoping that DiFi would have relinquished her seat ladt election to give CA a start towards seniority in the senate.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
Happy Hoosier
(8,788 posts)The long and the short of it is that Bernie seems incapable of change.
He didnt examine his campaign and evaluate why it failed in 2016.
He didnt address the problem with blowing off and insulting so called establishment Democrats.
He never understood the basic idea that maybe he should build relationships with party leaders if he wanted to be the nominee.
He never added policy rigor to his expansive policy proposals.
So he doubled down. And failed even more dramatically.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
True Blue American
(18,412 posts)Elizabeth Warren when confronted for calling her a liar on public TV.
Many may think the attitude of my way or the highway, becoming petty when losing is not my idea of a person I would vote for.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(13,538 posts)HUGE.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Tom Rinaldo
(23,046 posts)I have standing to comment on this because for the last 5 years I served on our towns Democratic Committee, half of that time as Chair. In that role I did the grunt work that a political party needs done, and I did so as an overt supporter of Bernie Sanders. It isn't just Sanders supporters who it is difficult to get involved at the trench level, it is anyone under 55, and those over 55 aren't easy to recruit either. We struggle to find ANY Democrat wiling to join our local Democratic committee
One of our County's leading grass roots organizers for Bern Sanders in 2016 went on to get elected as one of our County's official State Committee Members, representing our County to the Stat Democratic Party, and she has been excellent in that role. She wasn't involved with the official Democratic Party prior to getting involved on behalf of Bernie Sanders.
The Democratic Party faces a generational challenge. Bernie Sanders did not create the alienation from mainstream party machinery that younger Americans increasingly exhibit, his rise is a reflection of that, not the cause for it. Are you finding flocks of young Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden supporters jumping feet first into Democratic Party infrastructure organizing? I'm not.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(10,422 posts)candidates. We flipped several suburban city councils, school boards, and state house seats last November.
For a change, some of the work and a lot of the exciting ideas are being generated by people in their 30's and 40's and our candidates are in the same age group. Our county chair and executive director are the epitome of hard work, generous spirit and good humor. We are blessed.
I wouldn't count on twenty-somethings for "infrastructure organizing", they are simply not as committed to the community or organizational structure as older people or even people just a decade older. Hopefully, they'll get there.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Tom Rinaldo
(23,046 posts)I live in a fairly rural, but lightly blue, area, and truth be told we are under populated in the 20 to 50 demographic. People in their 30's and 40's getting involved is a true blessing. We started seeing a little more of that starting with the 2018 election

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden