Buttigieg 2020
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Pete should have resigned as mayor before he announced for POTUS
Every disgruntled political foe (no matter how minor, down to rabble-rousing pseudo community organisers) are out gunning for him back in South Bend, and the TYT/Bernie alliance has been down there for months, digging up dirt. Now the national media is being spoon-fed negatively-slanted spin stories.
Missing the Fish Fry, whilst the right thing to do morally, is pretty much a coffin nail in any hopes he had for generating new SC momentum. Being mayor is really unique, as he is going to be blamed for everything under his watch, unlike a congressperson or a governor.
That New York Times article a couple days ago was just brutal. Complete hit job, and also re-hashed every major issue that is used against him.
Now this shit is going on:
Memorial for man shot by South Bend police officer is vandalized for third time
If he can manage this balancing act, he REALLY is ready for the presidency.

(153,137 posts)He does have a deputy, I'm sure, keeping an eye on things while he's away.
Big incidents, like this shooting, bring him home, as they should. And whatever dirt is being dug up, would have been dug up anyway.
He is stronger than that. You'll see, my dear Celerity!
(9,688 posts)He has been pitch-perfect so far. I can't imagine that his judgment and moral and intellectual depth will fail him now.
You know that something like this will happen to every single one of the Democratic primary candidates. I've long thought that the big test for each of them, will be in how each of them respond.
I believe, as do you, that Mayor Pete will pass his test.
(48,454 posts)

True Dough
(22,166 posts)He hasn't gained additional traction over the past month and he's now caught in the middle of this tragedy.
And yet Elizabeth Warren has surged. But, if you look at Warren's numbers several weeks ago, she was way down in the polls. I'm hopeful Pete can and will make a similar move when the debates get started. It will be his time to shine.
(9,688 posts)The polls really mean nothing right now, since most voters don't know any of the candidates other than Biden and Sanders.
Right now, it's just endless speculation and horse-race @#%& among the Talking Heads, getting more frenzied by the minute. Even before this, I'd gotten to the point that I couldn't watch any TV pundits any more- not even ones I usually like.
Deep breath, everyone.
(48,454 posts)14% in Iowa, and even gained in SC.
The debates are going to be a huge key. Pete can handle ANYTHING tossed at him there.
If the same Biden of the Poor People's Campaign event shows up, and if certain people (it can't be Pete, that would be suicidal) have a right proper go at him and he snaps, it may start to kick off a big slide for him. His support is very wide, but also shallow.
Pete's is fairly deep, but not so wide. He needs to broaden it out. Hopefully he is masterful at handing this tragedy in SB, and that gives him a big boost.