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On tonight's debate..
I have to reaffirm my support and admiration for Pete. I am not unhappy in the slightest that he's been my favorite. He never disappoints.

(48,454 posts)
(9,298 posts)He just seems wise beyond his years. Im just tired of my response to Trump spiteful policies.
A calmness like Obama, that allows me to trust them.
(153,137 posts)He was calm, stayed in the time allotted (mostly!) and got his points across, very clearly.
One thing I noticed: He looked as though he hadn't shaved. Kinda dark over his upper lip, the moustache, or else no makeup. Did you notice that?
It was distracting.
(11,857 posts)Plus, that way, no one would ask "Does he shave yet?".
Pete did good like I knew he would.
(153,137 posts)
(13,902 posts)in both debates was substandard. Pete's wasn't as bad as most. Maybe it was the makup.
True Dough
(22,166 posts)He caught fire several weeks ago and then the media seemed to turn their attention elsewhere, so there was a bit of a lull. Then the question arose over whether he could attract the AA vote. Then the damn shooting occurred. Damn! Damn! Damn! A life lost and Mayor Pete's presidential candidacy hits major turbulence.
But he's facing it square on. Staring it straight in the face, committing himself to improve race relations and also making an appeal for the community to help him do it.
He did do well in the debate tonight, which was entirely predictable a week ago but I was a little word he might be "off his game" due to being preoccupied with the turmoil in South Bend. But, no, he was sharp.
I just hope some meaningful progress can be made in South Bend over the coming months so it doesn't hold Pete back.
Capt. America
(2,486 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,137 posts)A lot of people are just beginning to know about him and this was an important moment.
He spoke well about the issues and was calm and competent. Even if he didn't gain any ground, he made a lot of people aware of him, and that's very important too.
(13,902 posts)and several of them fell completely off the board. Not Pete. I don't think he had one bad moment while everyone else had at least one weak moment.
(31,745 posts)I thought he was brilliant. He gave the best answers of everyone up there. I still support him. My husband does too, but he was impressed by Harris.
(31,745 posts)Several times tonight, candidates took swipes at "having a plan." They were critical of having plans for everything, saying that this was not enough. I thought these were jabs at Warren, who did well last night and was not there to defend herself.
Warren is not my choice, but I did not like this at all.
(9,688 posts)He has this remarkable talent of making clear, pointed remarks without making it a personal swipe (except against Trump) and explaining bluntly the seriousness of a given crisis without making his blunt assessment sound scary, negative, or hopeless.
IMO it's just the talent and the tone that we need, and I believe it's the M.O. that will ultimately lead him to victory.
Capt. America
(2,486 posts)be refreshing.
(9,688 posts)Last edited Fri Jun 28, 2019, 06:33 AM - Edit history (1)
every time that Mayor Pete spoke, I thought, "I'm listening to a president."
There is just something about him.
(19,460 posts)grantcart
(53,061 posts)He is brilliant, articulate and compassionate.