Biden 2020
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Thank you, my fellow Biden supporters.
Especially those of you from day one of announcing. We all know who each other are.
We did it!!!
I always knew his base is rock solid, because of you guys.
We never doubted.
Peace love coming to a government near you real soon.

(7,934 posts)handmade34
(23,184 posts)

True Blue American
(18,409 posts)Just waited to see what happened. I am proud of him. Last night showed the true Statesman!
(38,360 posts)We know Joe!
(2,657 posts)Walleye
(38,360 posts)I wish the rest of the country would try the Delaware way. Scrantons loss was our gain for sure
(25 posts)I grew up in New Castle. Graduated from William Penn High. I remember my mother working on his first campaign for the senate in the seventies. Go Joe!
(5,340 posts)A couple days before he announced, and I knew he had more to give than how he was being portrayed in the media at the time.
Have been torn between him, Warren, and Beto (had good reasons to really like and consider the other candidates as well).
The whole time, I have found him both safe AND exciting, as I think his platform is grounded in reality, achievable, and fairly progressive. Is all good stuff for taking on modernity, imo.
(18,085 posts)He asked if we were "proud of him"!! Damn right I was!!
(29,941 posts)Gothmog
(159,313 posts)peggysue2
(11,665 posts)Hubby (even while registered as a Republican) and I always liked Biden. Down-to-earth, said what was on his mind--even when he caught hell for it--and a genuinely decent man, a people person. Biden, of course, had run for POTUS before. He was never my guy then. But on this round? I decided that Joe's experience, knowledge and trustworthiness was exactly what the country needed after our toxic dose of Trumpism. My husband agreed.
It's been a rollercoaster ride, the ups and downs, the numerous obituaries, the ludicrous accusations of fraud and malfeasance. But I always thought if Joe Biden could take the searing heat and survive, then his campaign would be adequately tempered for his run against Trump and his equally odious enablers.
And that is exactly what has happened.
Bernie Sanders may have doubts about Biden's ability to win in November. But personally, I have no doubts that Biden, his team and a unified Democratic Party will chew Trump into a thousand tiny pieces and then spit him out along with the foul taste.
Last night's debate was a command performance from Biden. He looked the part, sounded the part and I think for many? Doubts were burned away and what stood before us was a President-in-Waiting.
So for all Biden supporters--the early gang, the middle of the pack joiners, and the late but newly convinced--there's one message:
We Can Win This Thing!
(29,941 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)bummed out phase . Mourning that Beto is not a possible VP anymore. Has absolutely zero to do with valid gender issues, just thought he'd be a perfect mate.
Biden's experience, wisdom, and dignity matched with Beto's youth, energy, and optimism. Plus it puts TX in play. If anyone experienced his rock star rallies when he ran against Cruz and saw young and old together and all the euphoria, you might agree.
(29,941 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)cry by myself in my room
(29,941 posts)I would love for Beto to be Education Sec.
Not sure hes qualified but the energy and optimism rebuilding the public school system would be boundless. Think of some upbeat positive person in charge of our schools. Priceless.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)who lost.
On the bright side, all of us who knew Joe was the very best choice, should rejoice. Biden! For the huge win tonight!
(159,313 posts)Link to tweet
Sanders campaign officials said the senator from Vermont planned to leave Washington and return home, where he and his wife, Jane, would talk to supporters and determine the future of his presidential run. The campaign also suspended its Facebook ads and, uncharacteristically, made no request for donations in an email to backers updating them on the situation.
Biden deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield revealed that aides to the two candidates have been in touch regularly to discuss the public health crisis that has gripped the country, disclosing talks that could form the basis of a broader agreement on policies and might make Sanders more comfortable leaving the race.
(71,044 posts)
(2,657 posts)

Thank you to everyone who has supported Joe Biden!

Thank you to the old time supporters like me, and thank you to our newer supporters as well. All supporters are always welcome.

(1,887 posts)Joy to the world. I love his message on his victories last night, so Joe-like in his acknowledgment and
conciliation to Sanders and followers.
(159,313 posts)It has been frustrating not being able to donate to Joe.
On the plus side, I got to meet Joe twice at fundraisers and got to discuss stuttering with him. I got a really nice hug from Joe.
Joe is the best person to beat trump and to repair the damage done by trump
(18,425 posts)Response to LakeArenal (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
Just waited to see what happened.