He began his relationship with McDowell County, West Virginia.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, who chairs the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging, held a congressional hearing in 2013 on Dying Young: Why Your Social and Economic Status May Be a Death Sentence in America.
McDowell County is among the poorest counties among the poorest states in the nation. More than half of McDowell County households have incomes below $25,000 compared to one-quarter of households nationally. The median household income in McDowell County is under $22,500 less than half the nearly $52,000 median household income at the national level. One in three families in McDowell are living in poverty, including more than 40 percent of those with children under 18 and more than 60 percent of those with children under five (U.S. Census American Community Survey).
At the county level, Fairfax County, Virginia, which sits just outside of Washington, D.C., has the highest average life expectancy in the nation with an average of 82 years. Just 350 miles away in McDowell County, West Virginia, the life expectancy for men is just 64 years an 18 year difference. Men in McDowell County have the same life expectancy as men in Namibia. For women, the county in the U.S. with the highest life expectancy is sunny and wealthy Marin County, California, where the average is 85 years. The lowest in the nation is Perry County, Kentucky, with an average life expectancy of 73 years a 12 year gap. The life expectancy for women in McDowell County, West Virginia, where life expectancy is second lowest in the country following closely behind Perry County, is equivalent to that of Mongolia (Wang et al., 2013; World Health Organization)..