New national polls suggest Warren gaining momentum in presidential race
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By Elizabeth Goodwin and Jess Bidgood Globe Staff,May 1, 2019, 2:01 p.m.
WASHINGTON Is persisting paying off for Elizabeth Warren?
The senator from Massachusetts had a slow start in the Democratic presidential race, struggling with lackluster fund-raising and middling polls in the first few months of her campaign while watching rivals such as Beto ORourke and Pete Buttigieg each take a moment in the sun with bursts of support and surging contributions.
But now, there are early signs Warrens relentless focus on policy detail and diligent face time with voters may be leading to a boost of her own, one that could help her break into the top tier of candidates that has been dominated by white men in early polls.
On Tuesday, four national polls conducted at the end of April showed Warren gained an average of 3 percentage points on her previous performance in those polls. One, from Quinnipiac University, placed Warren second in the sprawling field, at 12 percent, behind only Joe Biden, who had 38 percent. Thats a jump of 8 percentage points since the same poll was conducted a month ago.
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Sen. Elizabeth Warren spoke in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on April 25.(KELSEY KREMER/THE DES MOINES REGISTER VIA AP)