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Related: About this forum"A Horrifying Undercount": Ralph Nader Says True Gaza Death Toll Could Be Many Times Higher
Former presidential candidate and celebrated consumer advocate Ralph Nader discusses Israel's war on Gaza, the U.S. presidential election and more. Nader's latest article, "Exposing the Gaza Death Undercount," can be read in the Capitol Hill Citizen, which he also founded. The official death toll in Gaza has been suspended at around 40,000 for months, as Israel's devastation of the territory makes it increasingly difficult to properly recover and identify the dead. Nader says that the true cost in Palestinian lives could already be "well over 300,000," and that "if the true count was known, it would devastate the mythology that the Biden administration and Congress are furthering, that the Israeli government does not purposely target civilian populations."
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(1,240 posts)You made the current dictatorship nightmare our country is now facing possible. In 2000, you prevented the people's President Al Gore from taking office. Al Gore's 2000 election campaign slogan was "we're for the people, not the powerful". You proved in 2000 that your out of control ego is your priority and not real people. You threw away everything you ever worked for in 2000. Our world is a mess today because of you. Things might be very different today had you not aided bushthief's theft of the 2000 election. A Middle East peace deal was within reach in 2000 and you helped bushthief sabotage it and now here we are. What Hamas did with the October 7th attack was unforgiveable but the loss of innocent Palestinian civilians, many of whom are children is equally unacceptable.
"Democracy Now" has a long record of helping traitor Nader spread his big lie that there were no differences between Al Gore and bushthief in 2000 and they're still shilling for him. They need to be called out for it.
Uncle Joe
(60,990 posts)The corporate media trashed Al Gore's credibility because A. he was the major political champion for opening the Internet (see fire and Prometheus) and B. because he was the major political champion against the fossil fuel industry which funded the corporate media's commercials.
Both actions were viewed as financial, influence and power threats against their monopolies on information.
What Nader states here about the actual number of deaths in Gaza is supported by tons of circumstantial evidence and logic.
(1,240 posts)I'm not in any way discounting the terrible suffering and loss of innocent life that's happening right now in Gaza. It must stop immediately if not sooner. Having spent 15 of my more than 20 years of working on dem election campaigns in Florida, I'm well aware that Nader's big lie that there were no differences between Al Gore and bushthief siphoned off enough crucial Al Gore votes in Florida to make it possible for bushthief to get close enough to have his little brother Florida Governor and Florida campaign co-chair/Secretary of State steal the election for him by not counting all of the uncounted Florida votes. Nader's $5miilion tv add campaign that ran tv ads touting his big lie in crucial states like Florida was paid for by the Repug Leadership Council, a subsidiary of the Repug party. These ugly truths must never be forgotten.
I totally agree with you that the media trashing Al Gore was all about preserving their financial bottom line and their monopoly on information. I also think that the Rehnquist 5 was looking to preserve repug control of the SCOTUS which they've succeeded in doing. Rehnquist's grudge against Senator Al Gore, Sr. was a contributing factor along with the other Rehnquist 5's many conflicts of interest I think that the tiniest of cracks on that media monopoly have now begun to appear. The new progressive bloggers and other progressive online websites got the front row seating at the dem convention while the legacy media was seated behind them. V.P. Harris's refusal to answer the legacy media's stupid and pro orange turd questions is another good move. I hope this continues. I also very much appreciate it that you're the DU'er who regularly post articles on DU about the issues that people's choice for President in 2000 is currently working on which I personally very much enjoy reading..