I don't think there's much wrong with where we're at. Yes some new blood and a little less corporate influence
I'm sure is on everybody's list. But the biggest complaint it seems is messaging. So I ask, how did the right wing fascist messaging juggernaut get here? The airwaves have been and continue to be flooded with fascist conservative BS and have been for over a decade now. It really pisses me off that we dropped the ball on this while far right Clear Channel (aka, Bain Capitol and Mitt Romney at it's roots) bought damn near every TV and radio station across the country over the last 20 years. WE (as in Democrats), let it happen. We had a few opportunities to stop it, or at the very least legislate against the monopolization of the airwaves but we, for whatever reasons that still perplex me, didn't.
You know we could copy what they did. Push for a group of very wealthy passionate politicos that lean left to copy that fascist right wing Clear Channel messaging tactic because there are tons of radio stations for sale, for pretty cheap. And believe it or not they still put fancy radios in every auto/suv/truck sold in this country and believe it or not, more people to this day listen to the radio than any other audio format like podcasts and streaming audio shows combined. 75% of people over 35 that listen to radio listen to some sort of "news radio". This is how the Repukes recruited the idiots that got them here, it's 10-1 out there fascist to patriotic DEmocrat "news radio". Let's give folks another option. It wasn't a fair competition before, one group bought most of the stations available at once.
Seems like it would be a good place to start to me. Worked for them
Radio listenership
Radio stations for sale