Potential common ground with FOX Watchers?
I wonder if some of them might agree with any of the following which could result in a broader coalition to defend democracy.
I suggest that the most serious danger to democracy is money. Money buys influence in numerous ways. Money buys media. Money corrupts the justice system. Money corrupts governments. Money buys power. Those with the most money usually get whatever they desire - with the likely exception of genuine love and simple happiness.
They can convince weak or corrupt justices to declare that money is a form of speech and, therefore, cannot be regulated, restricted, or limited even when seeking to influence governments and voters. Money is not speech, it is a power multiplier.
They can convince politicians and voters (temporarily) that money trickles down to the masses.
They can convince voters that a small government which therefore provides the fewest services is good for those having the least wealth, the ones who can least afford private services.
They can convince large numbers of people that big for-profit businesses will do a better job of providing services to the people than organizations whose sole purpose is to provide useful services. Of course, the purpose of a for-profit business is profit.
They can convince people that individuals who have successfully implemented a good idea or have made a great investment or a lucky investment can effectively run a central government. (Note that a central government is different from a state government or a city government - or a business.)
They have the means to convince the masses that a TV personality or an actor would be a brilliant leader.
They have the skills or mechanisms by which they can turn honorable and sensible persons into fools when elections roll around.
Runaway wealth or wealth concentration presents an extreme danger to democracy. It must be dealt with ASAP.