The Way Forward
Related: About this forumCan we be forthright here? It seems like the Dem establishment pushes away the farther left
And by that I'm thinking about the anti corporate and anti billionaire left. My constructive criticism is to stop doing that (heh, duh). Certainly not all elected dems and they are certainly more friendly than the repubs. The trouble is, they need their money to keep their jobs.
Back in the day, many of you will remember, we thought that small donations powered by the Internet would change the equation, but no.
This is something everyone on the right I've talked with agrees on. "It's not right vs left, it's rich vs poor" is obvious to a heck of a lot of people. That's why Bernie got as far as he did.
That's the message. But there's a bit of pushback from both sides. I don't know the answer to that.
Think. Again.
(21,183 posts)The word "republican" is meaningless, it doesn't represent a political point of view for the good of our nation, it's only a leftover placeholder name, people on the right are now flat-out fascists, thieves, exploiting our government for their own personal benefit and proud of that. They're not conservative in any way. They really don't care about our country as a whole at all.
It has become fascists vs a Democracy.
We are literally experiencing a home invasion.
(204 posts)but nothing is being done for the less fortunate working class.
I would like to say more, but if I do, it go against the rules here.
Let's just say, that the first thing we need to do is to get money out of politics, and tax the rich.
I forgot to add that Thomas Jefferson said something about the tree of liberty, in response to Shay's Rebellion.
(3,689 posts)HarryM
(204 posts)I don't know if they even teach about Shay's Rebellion. I was taught long ago in the alternative high school I went to back in the 1970s.
Now if only they taught The People's History of the United States, we all might be better off. Too bad we didn't have The People's History when I was in school. I had to read it myself, out of curiosity. I recommend everyone concerned with US history read it.
Snoopy 7
(609 posts)How many times must I say this the DNCC & DCCC have been financing any democrat candidates over any Progressives. It didn't matter that the democrats are more republicans than democrat. It's all about the MONEY and the CORPORATIONS financing the democrats that will do their bidding. Our Progressive Party has a hard time getting elected because they get financially out raised and we all know that the "supreme court" allowed legal bribery. Since the days of saint ronny the moderate republicans have continued to leave their party and seek the Democratic Party as a party to go to. The Democratic Party has been absorbing so many ex-republicans that now the party is republican lite. What used to be considered a Democratic Party candidate are now called Progressives. As we speak we have three parties- crazy republican, republican lite & Progressive/Democratic Party our Democracy now has the possibility of being overtaken and becoming an oligarchic/fascist country. I have been screaming about the changes in our government since the end of regans terms. I could see the changes and I remember for years hearing Thom Hartmann and Bernie Sanders warn us about doing something before it was too late. Now, after more than 40 years, all I can ask is IS IT TOO LATE?
(204 posts)to rid politics of money and repeal the Citizens United decision.
It just takes organization.
Response to scipan (Original post)
LiberalArkie This message was self-deleted by its author.
Clouds Passing
(3,469 posts)Thats why the Luigi message is being suppressed and has been so powerful. The rich fear this message.
(15,546 posts)The poor ain't going to give millions to get favorable candidates.
How many are there? I count may be three. In both houses. (I hope I'm wrong)