Dulcinea's JournalTrump commentary from Penzeys
If you're not on Penzeys email list, you should be. Here's an excerpt from the latest one:
But somewhere in these last four years, buried in our memories underneath the avalanche of Republican lies, is just what a nearly complete failure he has been at most everything his whole life long. He can con, and lie, and fool some of the people all the time, but he cant lead, he cant manage, and solving problems has always been somehow just beyond his grasp.
He's not wrong. We will get through this. The Fascist Felon's ineptitude & narcissism will be his undoing.
The Fascist Felon will fail.
He won't be able to bring down the cost of gas, groceries, or housing, plus he'll deport (or at least try to deport) the people who build houses & pick produce. Forget health care if you're not wealthy already. There will still be homeless people in the streets & not enough jobs, & this will cause unrest amongst the bumpkins & morons who voted for him thinking that he'd magically transport them to a world where they'd automatically get more than people they consider inferior, i.e. women, people of color, LGBTQ+ people, etc.
This presents a great opportunity for the Dems to take back both houses of Congress in the midterms. Dems need to emphasize what they can do to help everyone & give people a reason to vote for them, not just stopping TSF's agenda. I for one will be ready to work towards that.
President Carter vis-a-vis the Fascist Felon
We all saw the many tributes to former President Carter from family, friends, well-wishers, world leaders, & even those on the other side of the aisle after his death at age 100. He used his long time on earth to serve humanity. My local paper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, published an extra titled "Jimmy Carter: An Exemplary Life." It got me thinking...when the Fascist Felon finally kicks off, there will be no such accolades. He's a two-bit crook & a con artist. He will never be anything else. What will be said at his funeral? (Because he, unfortunately, will get a state funeral.)
I wish him a happy unbirthday.
No one knows the exact date of Jesus's birth. An ancient Pope decided to celebrate Christmas on December 25 to coincide with the pagan Saturnalia festivals, figuring that would be an easy way to get the pagans to convert to Christianity.
Hillbilly Vanilli doesn't have the McFelon's salesmanship or ability to sway a crowd. If Trump kicks off, Vance won't be able to keep the scam going.
My list:
I go for long runs to burn off stress.
I write in my journal.
I read. I'm currently reading about the Athens music scene. I'm a longtime fan of the B-52s & REM.
I listen to a lot of blues music. The blues speaks to me these days.
I watch football & hockey.
I go about my life: work, family, & friends.
And I drink beer. We all do what we have to, I guess.
A quote for dark times:
We used to say that ours is not the struggle of one day, one week, or one year. Ours is not the struggle of one judicial appointment or presidential term. Ours is the struggle of a lifetime, or maybe even many lifetimes, and each one of us in every generation must do our part. And if we believe in the change we seek, then it is easy to commit to doing all we can, because the responsibility is ours alone to build a better society and a more peaceful world. --Congressman John Lewis, 1940-2020
I, for one, won't give up. It angers me to no end that my daughters have fewer rights today than I did when I was their age.
My older daughter is 23 today. My younger one will be 21 on the 19th. They're worth fighting for.
I'm postmenopausal & have no grandchildren.
My daughters are in college, so grandkids are on a distant horizon, if ever. One daughter wants kids "one day" & the other is ambivalent at best.
Like a lot of sad, insecure men with mommy & daddy issues, JV Dance cannot bear that women have choices, and that they make choices he doesn't approve of. No one died & left you king, Vladimir Futon. Get over yourself. And fuck off. Mind your own damn business, to quote future Vice President Walz.
Sad, pathetic losers, just like him.
He's telling angry, desperate people exactly what they want to hear. The people who go to see him are people left behind by societal change, & they think if they vote for him, change will be stopped.
How well I remember!
In 2008, when she was in elementary school, my older daughter asked me, "Mommy, have we ever had a girl president?" I replied no. She was crushed when Hillary lost. She's now 22, proudly voted for the first time in 2020, & will vote for VP Harris in the fall. The same goes for my younger daughter, who voted for the first time in 2022. Their generation has seen firsthand what happens when bad candidates get elected. It's likely that we'll see a lot of young people voting this time around.
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Gender: FemaleMember since: 2002
Number of posts: 7,797