A Conservative's Realization on Structural Racism [View all]
A Conservatives Realization on Structural Racism
June 21, 2021 at 6:00 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard
Michael Gerson: I grew up in a middle-class neighborhood of a middle-class suburb in a Midwestern city. I went to a middle-class high school, with middle-class friends, eating middle-class fried bologna sandwiches. And for most of my upbringing, this seemed not only normal but normative. I assumed this was a typical American childhood.
But none of this was neutral or normal. Systems had been carefully created to ensure I went to an all-White church, in an all-White neighborhood, while attending an all-White Christian school and shopping in all-White stores. I now realize I grew up in one of the most segregated cities in the United States.
Was this my fault? Not in the strictest sense. I didnt create these systems. But I wish I had realized earlier that these systems had created me.