quote and highlight it thusly:
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
And then declare the pollution-avoidance-system to be killing or subjugating all of the... gay, transsexual, other religion/sect, other gender, other skin color, other language-speaking, or poorer... people around them. And doing so is The. Best. Religion. Possible.
So the worst people in the world might actually agree that those verses are very interesting indeed, and come to entirely opposite ways of putting their interest into action than you or I might.
Same thing for the 1st verse. Eloon or Bill Gates or TFG could grab onto "But the rich should take pride in their humiliation..." and cut it off there and tell themselves and others "See!? The fact that I'm being criticized or laughed at by all these people means I'm right and righteous and God says so!!!1!!"
Anyone can say this stuff means whatever they want it to mean. If you think it means "be charitable/generous and not greedy/selfish," that says more good about YOU than anything else.