A tribute to Joe Biden [View all]
Notes from Day One of the convention.
Responding to:
President Biden made a comment that might have gotten lost during the applause that was a direct hit against some in the MSM who had been pushing how "angry" President Biden was.
Joe's the smartest one in any room
and I am sure he decided that while he could win, as many of us thought, a younger ticket has better chances.
By doing what he did, he completely bamboozled the opposition, which spent all its energy bashing him.
Joe outsmarted and outplayed everyone, for the betterment of himself, the party, and the country. Most of all, he loses the howler monkeys, the hate machine, and the doubters, who will ALL BE FORGOTTEN, while his record, and unselfish acts will be known forever, and that's 100% wonderful with me.
It's not that Joe "remembers" the doubters. It's that they will be forgotten, and he won't. Great leaders have vision that transcends the short term matters.
And responding to
Joe's a Saint. 😇
He's a Miracle worker!
He will defeat Donald Trump WITHOUT EVEN RUNNING
But seriously, he is a man of compassion, humility, and the strength and integrity to do good works for others without regard for himself. Gets my vote for sainthood, but I doubt I'll be asked.