How are you going to disseminate the story? Perhaps you could plant it on X. Good luck.
Regarding aliens, they definitely exist but I don't think we'll ever encounter them. Absent a monumental discovery, the distances of space are far too great for humans to traverse. Could aliens make the voyage? Perhaps but they would be extremely advanced and would probably not be interested in humankind. After all, we're a pretty disgusting species considering how we've treated our world and its inhabitants.
Here's an interesting fact/observation. Chimpanzees are only about 4% behind human mental development yet we cannot communicate complexities with chimpanzees. Imagine an alien race that encounters humans where their brains are say, 10% more advanced than humans. They probably would observe us with amusement and care kind of like when you go to the zoo and see the snakes, tigers or bats. But communication would most likely be very difficult if not impossible.
Another thing: If aliens made the voyage to our unremarkable little planet is the outskirts of the galaxy, many humans would react with shock and terror and could demand a military response just because of the aliens' presence. Humans are very xenophobic as illustrated by the hatred and fear directed at the Haitians immigrants or, frankly, any immigrants in American history. Just imagine to response to little green creatures with bigger and better brains!
Regardless, alien encounters are insignificant on my list of concerns. It would be awesome to meet one, though!