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Showing Original Post only (View all)100 Reasons to oppose Trump [View all]
1. He is a rapist
2. He is a convicted felon
3. He is a sexual predator
4 He is a corrupt conman who owes 500 million in fines
5 He stole classified documents to sell
6 His inaction caused 200,000 plus needless covid deaths
7 He lied over 30,000 times as Potus
8 He called our Troops suckers and losers
9 He let Turker shell our troops in Syria
10 He let Iran shell our troops in Iraq
11 He supports Russia's war crimes
12 He coddles up to Putin and XI
13 He used to oval office to enrich himself by at least 2 Billion dollars
14 He killed Roe Vs Wade
15vHe inspiried an armend rebellion that killed people and did millions of dollars in damage
16 He covered up the murder of Jama Khashoggi
17 He sold us foreign policy to Russia for future deals
18 He wants to destroy Nato
19 He believes the FSB over the CIA and the FBI
20 He is a racist misogynist anti-semite islamamphobe
21 He tried to convince the military to kill American protestors
22 He promises to be a dictator fo 1 day--which dictator in history has willfully given up power?
23 He wont release his medical records
24 He wont release his tax records
25 He is failing physically and mentally
26 He cheated on all of his wives with dozens of women
27 He promises to deport people by misusing the 1798 Alieen Enemies Act
28 He is a shameless draftdodger
29 He frequently quotes Stalin, Hitler Mussolini
30 He hates dogs
31 He will let wierdo billionares run the government into the ground
32He illegally spied on political rivals
33 He lost 1 billion dollars from 1987 - 1997
34 He promises tp prosecute and even assisinate his political rivals
35 He is the least intelligent candidate in American history
36 He had the worst jobs performanamce of a president on over 100 years
37 His tac cuts would raise the taxes of everyone but the ultra rich
38 His conflicts of interest in Chian, UAE etc were never dealt with--rather he lied about it
39 His illegal hit on Solemani almost caused WW3
40 His rage tweeting with NK almost cause WW3
41 He wants to have sex with his daughter Ivanka
42 He wants to get rid of Obamacare which Millions of Americans have
43 He gave Israeli secrets to Russia
44 He exited the Paris Accord
45 He gave secrets to MBS which resulted in the slaughtering of Rivals in Saudi Arabia
46 He met Putin without a note taker and never informed Americans wht the conversation was about
47 He lied about the 2020 election
48 He lies about being a christian
49 He lies about his wealth
50 He lies about his grades in college
51 He has pedning felonies in state and federal court
52 His Trump university scam
53 His NFT scam
54 He Trump Bucks scam
55 His watch scam
56 His crpto scam
57 All his products are made in China
58 He admits he downplayed covid intentionally
58 He admits to doctoring is medical records
60 He doest know or understand one word of the constitution
61 The vast majority of people in his orbit have been jailed on corruption charges
62 He surrounds himsefl with incompetent people--betsy devos sec of education could not even spell basi words
63 He promises to jail media persons
64 His DNi Dan Coates says Putin has blackmail material on Trump
65 He cheated middle class and working contractors put of monies he has owed them for decades
66 All of his merch is garbage
67 He doesnt understand economics--see tarrifs
68 He has no skills applicable to public service
69 He doesnt laugh
70 he doesnt apologize when hsi s wrong
71 Many people are saying that he had terrible body odor
71 He has a history of physical violemce
72 Racial violence seems to naturally follow him --COUNTIES THAT HOSTED TRUMP RALLIES IN 2016 SAW A 226 PERCENT ICREASE IN HATE CRIMES
73 He throws tantrums
74 He has stolen from his own charity
75 He has committed [erjury on numerous occasions
76 He constantly trashes America
77 He Blocked the bipartican border bill
78 He supports mass killings of Palestinans
79 He conflates us jews with israeli jews
80 The world thinks he is a clown
81 His Bible scam --made in China
82 He will destroy the environment turn it into a giant industrial sewer
83 He alost destroyed the American Agricultural market with his mishandling of tarrifs
84 Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That Itll Weigh Down the Economy for Years The King of Debt promised to reduce the national debt then his tax cuts made it surge. Add in the pandemic, and he oversaw the third-biggest deficit increase of any president. The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trumps time in office. TRUMP HAD THE THIRD-BIGGEST PRIMARY DEFICIT GROWTH, 5.2% OF GDP, BEHIND ONLY GEORGE W. BUSH (11.7%) AND ABRAHAM LINCOLN (9.4%).--All Republicans
85 Nearly 1,800 factories have disappeared during the Trump administration between 2016 and 2018--jobs
86 Boeing lost $1.1 billion on Trump Air Force One contract; CEO regrets deal
87 Buffon at the highest level
88 Mired n conspiracy theories--A barely coherent barrage of wild and inaccurate claims
89 Repeatedly echoes the rantings on racists on social media platorms
90 Cut the funding to anti semtic programs
91 Trump Blew As Much Taxpayer Money On Golf As Richest Pro Golfer Tiger Woods Earns Golfing while President
92 Fueled the separation of kids from their parents at the border--Trumps Child Detention Camps Cost $775 Per Person Every Day---The daily cost for a child in a detention camp is more than a stay in a deluxe room at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.--THIS MOnEY WENT TO THE PRIVATE PRISONS AKA--Trump's donors--There were 70,000 kids in cages under the trump administration--Republicans screamING about the debt should just shut the
93 His languauge is not positive for anyone prticulary young children--Grab them by the ....
94 Foodborne illnesses rose under Trump, CDC finds --2019 .... Trump Is Quiet Undermined Food Safety
95 /doesnt pay his bills--he owes over 1 million dollars oto various cities abound the country for 2016 rallies 8 years ago
96 Under Trump the US slipped to third place in a ranking of most competitive economies
97 He is not loyal to America-- Russian 'birth tourists' are flocking to Miami, and Trump condos, to give birth to American citizens
98 He is not loyal to America - My whole town practically lived there: From Costa Rica to New Jersey, a pipeline of illegal workers for Trump goes back years
99 - He is not loyal to America - Trump Winery Seeks To Hire 35 Foreign Workers This Year
100 - the practical application of the suckers and losers comment - Trumps Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Fines a Man $1 For Swindling Veterans, Orders Him Not to Do It Again;
101 He has been impeached twiced
102 SHARPIE GATE-- Commerce Secretary Ross threatened mass firings if NOAA scientists contradicted Trump on Hurricane Dorian''
103 Corruption _ Air Force paying Trump for use of Scottish resort, keeping it afloat financially
104 Trump administration sent protective medical gear to China while he minimized the virus threat to US