So, I've got decals on my rear window of the vehicle: USN, Vietnam, Vote Democratic. Driving into the parking lot, I locked eyes onto a monster RED pickup with two Drumpf flags on the back. It was parked backed-in, such that the driver would have to see whatever was parked next to it. I didn't take a lick to decide where I was going to park - next to it, head-to-toe, natch. When I was through voting the Drumpfster was gone, so he (it *would* be a "he" ) must have seen it. My Navy/Viet decals ensure they won't bash in the window.
If it ain't obvious, I enjoy sticking it to them, as minor and futile as it is. I always wear my Navy ball cap anyway, but when voting it is an indispensable item, plus to protest the wingnut voting restrictions my *passport*. At the Primaries, where the Parties are segregated, I mutter under my breath in the general direction of the Repukes, "Because I feel I'm in a foreign country."
There was a smallish queue and the milling around exiting ones, mostly either scowling or zealously determined - sure signs of Drumpfsters.