Kentucky Constitutional Amendment 1, Citizenship Requirement for Voting Amendment (2024) [View all]
I intend to vote "NO", in spite of the part that would logically prevent any current Republican from voting: "3. Idiots and insane persons."
I do not trust the Kentucky General Assembly with the task of deciding who is eligible to vote.
A "yes" vote supports amending the constitution to require U.S. citizenship to be able to vote in the state.
A "no" vote opposes amending the constitution to require U.S. citizenship to be able to vote in the state.
Ballot Question
Are you in favor of amending Sections 145 and 155 of the Constitution of Kentucky to prohibit persons who are not citizens of the United States from being allowed to vote in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, as stated below? IT IS PROPOSED THAT SECTION 145 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF KENTUCKY BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Every citizen of the United States of the age of eighteen years who has resided in the state one year, and in the county six months, and the precinct in which he or she offers to vote sixty days next preceding the election, shall be a voter in said precinct and not elsewhere. No person who is not a citizen of the United States shall be allowed to vote in this state. The following persons also shall not have the right to vote: 1. Persons convicted in any court of competent jurisdiction of treason, or felony, or bribery in an election, or of such high misdemeanor as the General Assembly may declare shall operate as an exclusion from the right of suffrage, but persons hereby excluded may be restored to their civil rights by executive pardon. 2. Persons who, at the time of the election, are in confinement under the judgment of a court for some penal offense. 3. Idiots and insane persons. IT IS PROPOSED THAT SECTION 155 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF KENTUCKY BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: The provisions of Sections 145 to 154, inclusive, shall not apply to the election of school trustees and other common school district elections. Said elections shall be regulated by the General Assembly, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution. No person who is not a citizen of the United States shall be allowed to vote in said elections.