By now, the shock should be over. [View all]
It is imperative that we organize.
Indivisible has a long and distinguished presence, it is one place you may try to either enter a group of like-minded people or, start your own group.
No one here (other than trolls) is stupid. Most assuredly, I am not for violence, but there may be times when you go to places where a bunch of fools running around trying to intimidate you/us. Don't fall for it. These people are not the brightest bulbs, but they are not going to shoot you in the street, nor are they going to beat you, it is all an act. Unless there is a large group, these people are essentially cowards. If you have a group meeting on how to conduct yourselves, get in touch with congresscritters, and parse out a viable strategy, in the unlikely case where a bunch of "proud boys" show up on your doorstep. Have someone in the group call 911 while you hold your own at the door, remaining calm (they are not going to kill you). When the PD arrives, tell the officers that these people are trespassing on your property, armed and possibly dangerous.
In most states, if you trespass it's a misdemeanor. If you trespass armed, depending on the locale, those expensive firearms can be confiscated. Just imagine Bubba losing his $1500 AR-15, there goes the beer money for two months.
I would not worry about any blowback from such groups, after all, a slew of them have been arrested and it's easy to track them down if there is some form of retaliation.
With that said, unless your, or someone else's life is in danger, never resort to violence. To the vast number of citizens, the easiest way to move people away from your cause is to wind up in a violent situation. Your power to remain calm during times of duress will draw people to your cause. There is no shame in turning your back on some screaming moron and walking away. The reality is, witnesses will respect you.
Outreach: You know the people you hang out with, and they know people of a like mind that you don't, this is how you create a network of like-minded people that can be brought together in a powerful force. Currently, I am in Nebraska (after twelve years in Boston). I speak to people in coffee shops, in lines at the store, etc. I won't dive into a diatribe of political discourse, I speak with people respectfully, listen to their views, and when the "right time" comes (if at all) I explain the truth. In the past week, particularly over the last two days, I have spoken with DJT voters who are horrified at the choices being made for Cabinet positions, and the thought of Recess Appointments is a hot-button issue, even among his most strident supporters.
We can complain, or we can act. We can have a deep impact on the mid-terms, turning both Houses if we come together. DJT will be neutered (if he lives that long) and once again the GOP will be wallowing in the sty they have created.
Forget the blame game. It is time to come together and pave the road to ensuring our Democratic Republic is retained.