Ahem..."Go fuck yourself sideways with a First Edition, Hard Cover copy of Atlas Shrugged, you worthless piece of amphibian shit."
My "apologies" if that "feeds into the sickness of denial, deceit and distrust", but seriously, fuck you and the "both sides" dressage horse you rode in on.
Where Mitt? Where was that "concern" while your party was ramming trickle-down economics down the throat of the middle class?
Was that the, how did you put it? "They scourge of partisanship"?
Was it "deceit", or "denial" that enabled you to ram through 3 Wingnut, Reactionary Confederate Supreme Court Justices? One stolen from the duly elected President of the United States, and another "rammed" through eight days before the presidential elections. I believe you voted to confirm both.
Some would say; "actions like that could result in "DISTRUST". Some might also describe that as "THE SCOURGE OF PARTISANSHIP"
Sorry Mitt, but folks being unhappy with the scraps that fall from the Koch brothers table are not "talking past you". We're fucking pissed.
You know what truly makes folks like me hate the everloving fuck out of people like you? It's that you think I'm fucking stupid.
You have gotten everything you've wanted.
- A POS reactionary Wingnut Supreme Court that will do whatever the fuck the Federalist Society tells them to do.
- A POS reactionary Wingnut Supreme Court that will even nullify elections as needed so your party never need worry about losing another election.
- Gutting of privacy rights and environmental rights.
- Tax cuts for the wealthy as far as the eye can see.
And now, after you've run over your opponents, you dare to "stretch out the hand of togetherness"?
At least Susan Collins "deceit" and "denial" is presented with a cover of ignorance. Seriously, you can honestly think that Suze isn't deceitful...she's just fucking stupid. Have you met her?
Unlike Suzy, you try to wrap your deceit in moral pompossity. It just doesn't work. It takes years of practice to make deceit look like ignorance, and Suzy is a master.
You "long for America to rise above the din to unite behind the truth"??
I long for a Senator from Utah that isn't a sniveling coward.
I am sure that if we take advice from the likes of you, neither of us will get what we long for
So, with all due respect, Fuck You!
- Max