And do you think all Native American tribes have no trace of Europe or Africa among their members? Especially since they all have rules about how much Native American a person must be able to prove in order to be enrolled in a tribe, which is a pretty forthright statement on the reality of racial mixing. Should the tribes be ripped apart via some kind of DNA test?
Theres very few places on Earth where the people really believe themselves all one thing.
Japan is an island nation that kept itself isolated for quite a number of centuries and thus at least had reason to imagine themselves as coming from a pure stock, but that is crumbling around the edges as workers from the Philippines and elsewhere move in and presumably stay. Should Japanese-Americans be forced back to the land of their great-grandparents? Theres been a lot of out-marriage during the generations in America.
The UK is also an island nation, but in contrast to Japan, waves of invading foreign tribes were assimilated over the millenia, and their languages as well, once the fighting was over. Britain has experienced what I call the former colonies coming home (London fascinated me, and I wish I could have stayed longer than the crowded tour) but I dont think they have in mind taking in a couple of hundred million Americans who have some English ancestry.
The Irish are another story, but even so not equipped to take in a huge number of part-Irish I mean America is just lousy with people who claim to be Irish despite being a lot of other things as well. Take my family.
And so it goes. Nobody in this country is pure anything. I have a grandson whose dad and his family all assumed they were Mexican, based on their Hispanic surname and dark color but no, one of those Ancestry things showed they originated in Europe.
Is my husband supposed to go to Poland, where his dad was born, or the Ukraine where his mothers family came from or maybe Belgium, where he and his brothers were born. Hell, probably not every country in Europe stamped their passports some version of JUDEN. Only the United States did not.
Trump and his merry band are criminally insane, which is my point. The ideas they are floating are unconstitutional and un-American, and lead down a very dark road. And they want us to fight each other. And I think more DUers than not already know this.