Trump Advisers Consider Raising SALT Write-Off Limit to $20,000 [View all]
Trumps economic advisers are considering doubling the state and local tax deduction, a popular but expensive tax break that could deliver big savings to many residents of New York, New Jersey, and California.
Economist Stephen Moore, a member of President-elect Donald Trumps economic advisory transition team, told Bloomberg Thursday that the group has discussed expanding the tax write-off limit from $10,000 to $20,000.
Trump had vowed to revive the SALT deduction during the campaign a particularly potent issue in states where the combination of high tax rates and expensive property values make the write-off especially valuable.
Moore said the group is opposed to making the deduction unlimited as some New York and New Jersey politicians have advocated for because that would amount to the biggest tax cut for millionaires and billionaires ever.
The $10k SALT limitation was imposed by McConnell and the Republicans as a big FU to California and other (primarily Blue) high cost-of-living states. We'll see if there's any follow-through on this proposal (which I doubt).