Where I used to live, in extreme rural Montana, right wing ranchers & farmers have been known to actually show up at the HOMES of furloughed USDA/NRCS* & FSA** workers DEMANDING they get back to the office RIGHT NOW to help them secure the federal dollars from programs they signed up for, or want/need to sign up for RIGHT BLOODY NOW.
There have been threats of violence in the past when this has happened. I know personally as the wife who answered the door and told them to GET OFF MY LAWN and call their damned congressman.
The right wingers vote GOP religiously then get nasty, sometimes REALLY nasty, with the hard working federal employees who are their neighbors and who help them keep their farms/ranches in their families.
Seems likely other federal workers will also face hostility, if not actual abuse, by people who rely on government programs but keep voting for the party that doesn't want those programs to exist. But those fed workers might be a little less likely to be harassed because they don't usually live in smaller rural communities where everybody know everybody else, and where they live.
*Natural Resource Conservation Service, an agency that helps producers find & implement the government programs that pay them to make their properties more productive AND hospitable to the environment and wildlife.
** Farm Services Administration, the agency that processes the paperwork and gets checks sent out for the programs the NRCS helps producers find and implement.