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In reply to the discussion: Why do men hate women so much? [View all]no_hypocrisy
(49,898 posts)In 1952, my parents married.
My father was a resident at Manhattan Veterans Administration Hospital, almost a doctor.
My mother had BOTH a bachelor's (Barnard) and a master's (Wellesley).
My father was attracted to my mother's resume and her Jewish heritage. My mother was attracted to the financial security and social status a doctor would offer.
And they seemed good on paper.
But in reality, my father resented my mother was actually more intelligent, cleverer than he was. HE was a doctor. HE had supremacy. I listened to their arguments and Dad couldn't overcome Mom's positions and that made him more angry. He felt castrated. And God help Mom if she did this OUTSIDE the family.
There was no competition of jobs as Dad was a doctor and he refused to allow Mom to work outside the house.
FWIW, Mom refused to relinquish her gift to Dad, marriage or no marriage. Dad tried to denigrate her by comparing her to Alice Kramden and her caustic remarks to her husband. It didn't work. Dad tried to boss Mom around. Sometimes, she'd go along if only to maintain the peace in the house. I'm sure that Mom resented Dad doing this in front of me and my siblings.
I can't imagine being married to someone whose mission would be to tear me down at every opportunity.