General Discussion
The U.S. economy added 2.23 million jobs in 2024, including 256,000 in the final full month of Joe Biden's presidency.
The big picture: There have been more jobs gained under Biden's term than under the full terms of former Presidents Trump, Obama, or George W. Bush.
By the numbers: Biden is now at +16.1 million, aided by the post-pandemic economic recovery.
Trump oversaw 2.1 million job losses, although there were 6.6 million jobs added during his first three years in office (i.e., pre-pandemic years).
Obama oversaw 7.1 million job gains, with losses at the beginning of his first term due to the Great Financial Crisis.
Bush oversaw 5.2 million job gains.
Bill Clinton has a stronger record than any of his successors, with a total of 23 million jobs added, although his annual average trails that of Biden.
**Want A Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat**
1. Personal disposable income has grown nearly 6 times more under Democratic presidents
2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown 7 times more under Democratic presidents
3. Corporate profits have grown over 16% more per year under Democratic presidents (they actually declined under Republicans by an average of 4.53%/year)
Average annual compound return on the stock market has been 18 times greater under Democratic presidents (If you invested $100k for 40 years of Republican administrations you had $126k at the end, if if you invested $100k for 40 years of Democrat administrations you had $3.9M at the end)
4. Republican presidents added 2.5 times more to the national debt than Democratic presidents
5. The two times the economy steered into the ditch (Great Depression and Great Recession) were during Republican, laissez faire administrations
**Why Are Republican Presidents So Bad for the Economy?**
G.D.P., jobs and other indicators have all risen faster under Democrats for nearly the past century.
**U.S. Jobs, Income, GDP Growth 'Startlingly' Higher Under Democratic Presidents**
**Over the last 6 decades--60 years or so, history has tended to favor Democratic presidents in terms of economic performance**
**During the final 3 years of Barack Obama's presidency 2014. 2015 . 2016 , the number of jobs added was 1.5 million greater than the number added during Trump's first 3 years in office 2017 2018 2019**
**Trump inherited a booming economy and handed Biden a nation 'in shambles'**
**Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover**
Trump will be first president since WWII to lose jobs during tenure. The U.S. lost 140,000 jobs in December 2020 in the final jobs report of Trumps presidency. This means the nation has about 3 million fewer jobs than it did 4 years ago UNDER THE BLACK GUY --OBAMA, meaning Trump will be the first president to lose jobs over his term since employment data was collected in this way. NBC News Now correspondent Simone Boyce explains how it all unfolded.
Bidenomics Was Wildly Successful The president's domestic record wasn't just extraordinary.
No one can yet say for sure why such a strong economy led to a definitive loss for the sitting administration. But however voters felt about President Joe Biden and Vice President Harris's management of inflation--or immigration, or crime, or anything else--the fact remains that the administration oversaw an incredible economic recovery and then kept it going. None of that would have been possible without the Biden administration's embrace of novel economic policy, now known as "Bidenomics."
By nearly every metric, Bidenomics was a roaring success. It would be a mistake to ignore or forget the lessons that can be gleaned from the administration's robust economic policy. Their present discontent notwithstanding, Americans will undoubtedly miss this economy when it's gone.
Read more:
Restores daily press briefings
Cancel Keystone Pipeline
Reverse Trump's Muslim ban
Require masks on federal property
Rejoins the Paris Climate agreement
Extend Student Loan payment freeze
Extend eviction freeze
Historic stimulus bill passed: - Click to see who was helped - Created nearly 8 million jobs, 200 million Americans fully vaccinated, and unemployment claims are the lowest on average since 1969. It also re-opened 99% of schools and sparked the fastest economic growth in decades
Ends funding for Border wall
Orders agencies to reunite families separated at border by Trump
Orders strengthening of DACA
Rejoins The World Health Organization
Requires non-citizens to be included in the Census
Creates the position of Covid-19 Response Coordinator
Rescinds Trump's 1776 Commission and directs agencies to review actions to ensure racial equity
Prohibits administration members from lobbying or registering as foreign agents for two years after leaving
Invokes defense production act to produce masks, PPE and vaccines
Provide funding to local and state officials to create vaccination sites
Ends transgender military ban
Ends Federal Contracts With Private Prisons
Restores Aid To Palestinians
Suspends new leases for oil & natural gas development on federal land
Restores access to
Extends fair housing protections to include LGBTQ Americans
Ends support for Saudi Arabia led campaign in Yemen
Withdraws UN sanctions on Iran
Daily Covid deaths reduced in half after one month
Secured enough vaccinations for the entire US population
Historic stimulus bill passed: - Click to see who was helped
Increases poorest 20% of Americans' income by 20% permanently
85% of households receiving stimulus payments
Four provisions which lower Americans' 2021 tax bills by an average of $3,360
Reduces backlog of Veterans compensation and pension claims by more than half
Created 8 million jobs
200,000,000 Americans vaccinated
Unemployment claims at the lowest levels since 1969
1/3 of America vaccinated in his first 60 days
1/2 million added to Obamacare healthcare rolls in 6 weeks
Extends universal free school lunch through 2022
Commits to cutting U.S. emissions in half by 2030 as part of Paris climate pact
Reverses Trump's Anti-Trans Shelter Rule
Officially recognizes massacre of Armenians in World War I as genocide
Raises Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors and Federal Employees to $15
Cancels all border wall contracts using funds intended for military missions
Creates new operation to crack down on human smuggling
Reverses Trump effort to loosen Arctic drilling restrictions
Restores Transgender Health Protections
Lifts Secrecy of Visitor Logs Cloaked by Trump
Suspends oil and gas leases in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Restores $1 billion in federal funding for California high speed rail Trump had cut
Grows US Economy 6.4% in 1st quarter - 2021
In first six months regained job numbers lost under Trump administration. (3 million)
Prohibits payday lenders from charging interests rates above that of what individual states allow
Reinstalls rules removed by Trump limiting methane emissions from leaks and flares in oil and gas wells
Enacts massive EO that provides 76 distinct actions to increase competition, reduce monopolies, and provide eliminate laws the unfairly treat workers. Including:
Eliminating non-compete clauses
Stop businesses from collaborating to reduce wages/benefits
Stop big tech companies purchasing competitors to unfairly compete with small businesses
Importation of prescription drugs from Canada and increase support for generics
Hearing aids to be sold over-the-counter
Requiring airlines to refund consumer fees when bags are late or Wi-Fi doesn't work
Crack down on railroads and ocean shipping to reduce costs of transporting goods
Other anti-monopoly legislation with agriculture, banking and internet
2nd quarter 2021 economy grows 6.5% - Economy surpasses pre-pandemic levels.
Achieves historic 45% reduction of poverty levels in first six months
Achieves historic 61% reduction of child poverty in first six months
Reaches goal of vaccinating 70% of adult Americans
Cut Obamacare premiums by 40%
Bans the pesticide chlorpyrifos, linked to neurological damage in young children
PAWS Act, allowing VA to pay for service dogs for veterans
Student Loan Forgiveness:
Round One: Cancels $1 Billion in student Loan Debt
Round Two: Cancels another $1.3 billion in student loan debt
Round Three: Cancels another $500 Million In Student Loan Debt (6/16/21)
Round Four: Erases student debt for students with disabilities - ($5.8 Billion)
Round Five: $1.1 billion in student debt for 115,000 ITT students
(Three more rounds have occurred in 2022)
Forms new Indo-Pacific alliance with UK, Australia allowing for greater sharing of defense capabilities
Adds measles to list of quarantinable diseases
LGBTQ veterans discharged dishonorably for sexual orientation get full benefits
Lifts abortion referral ban on family planning clinics
Ended the 20 Year War in Afghanistan - The longest war in American History
Global leadership bounce back from record lows
Secures agreement of G20 to block corporations from moving jobs or profits overseas in order to avoid paying taxes by establishing a world minimum tax for corporations of 15%
Passes largest infrastructure improvement bill in history
$11 billion in transportation safety programs
$7.5 billion for electric vehicles and EV charging
$2.5 billion in zero-emission buses
$2.5 billion in low-emission buses and $2.5 billion for ferries
$21 billion in environmental remediation
$47 billion for flooding & coastal resiliency and "climate resiliency," including protections against fires
$39 billion to modernize transit, largest federal investment in public transit in history
$25 billion for airports
$17 billion in port infrastructure
$11 billion in transportation safety programs
$11O billion for roads, bridges and other much-needed infrastructure
$40 billion for bridge repair, replacement, and rehabilitation
$17.5 billion is for other major projects
$73 billion for electric grid and power structures
$66 billion for rail services;
$65 billion for broadband
$1.47B in loans for forgiveness through PSLF program updates, and $2.82B with employer verification
52 year low in unemployment after one year as president
Returns land to Texas family seized for Trump's border wall
Imposes Sanctions on Foreign Persons Involved in Global Illicit Drug Trade
Aside from one Afghanistan strike early on, Biden has ended drone strikes
2.7% average across the board pay raise for federal employees
Ban goods made by Uyghur slave labor
Accelerated Access to Critical Therapies for ALS
Distributes $1.5 Billion to Strengthen School Meal Program
Formally ends combat mission in Iraq
Requiring autos to get 55 MPG by 2026 - Reversing Trump rollbacks - up from 37 MPG we now have
Job growth in Biden's first year tops 6.4 million - Sharpest one year drop in US history
Requires insurance companies to cover cost of at-home covid tests
$14 billion for over 500 projects for 2022 to strengthen supply chain and waterways
Order to fight malicious cyber activity, from both nation-state actors and cyber criminals
Small Business Applications Are 30 Percent Above Pre-Pandemic Levels
Farmers flourish under Biden, see recovery from Trump-era trade wars
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President Biden and Vice President Harris delivered results for the American people in their first year in office. The President and Vice President made history growing our economy, addressing the climate crisis, and building a judiciary and government that represents America. Despite unprecedented challenges, 2021 was a year of record progress for working families.
Jobs: President Biden's first year was the greatest year of job creation in American history, with more than 8 million jobs created.
Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate dropped from 6.2% when Biden took office to 3.9%, the biggest single year drop in American history.
Unemployment Claims: The average number of Americans filing for unemployment has been near its lowest level since 1969. When the President took office, over 18 million were receiving unemployment benefits, today only 2 million are--also the biggest single year drop in history.
Economic Legislation Passed: Most significant by economic impact of any first-year president.
Economy growth is faster than China's for first time in 20 years - Strongest economic growth since 1984
Child Poverty: Experts estimate the lowest child poverty rate ever in 2021.
Expanded Access to Health Care: Nearly 5 million Americans have newly gained health insurance coverage.
Reduced Hunger: The number of households reporting that they sometimes or often did not have enough food to eat dropped by 32%.
Judges Confirmed: More judges confirmed to lower federal courts than any president since President Kennedy.
Judges That Reflect Our Nation: More Black women appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals than any president - even over 8 years - in history.
Cabinet: First majority non-white Cabinet in history, with most women in the Cabinet, including first woman Treasury Secretary, first LGBTQ+ and Native American Cabinet officials, and first woman Director of National Intelligence.
Climate Investments: Largest investments ever in the power grid, electric vehicle chargers, and climate resilience.
Clean Water: Largest investment and national, bipartisan plan to get safe and clean drinking water to all Americans.
Cleaner Cars: Strongest vehicle emissions standards ever to save drivers money at the pump and reduce pollution.
Wind: First-ever approvals of large-scale offshore wind projects.
Personnel: Most diverse Administration in history - most women, people of color, disability, LGBTQ+, first generation American, and first-generation college graduates
Drone airstrikes fell 54% compared to Trump
Worker's Rights: 70% of first year executive orders protect worker's rights
Bankruptcy Filings: Plunged to Lowest Number Since 1985
Agricultural Exports Shattered Records in 2021
Global approval of US up 15 points during Biden's first year
5.4 million new small business applications: 20 percent higher than any previous year on record
Tripled installation of of offshore wind turbines
Makes sexual harassment in the military a crime
Economy grows faster than China's for 1st time in 20 years - Strongest economic growth since 1984
Limits the release of mercury from coal-burning power plants
Kills ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi
$5 billion for electric vehicle chargers
Gives $7 billion in frozen Afghanistan funds to compensate 9/11 victims and provide humanitarian aid
Posts $119 billion budget surplus in January; first in over 2 years
Unites world against Russia aggression
Imposes stiff sanctions to stifle Russian economy
Led the Western world in defending Ukraine against Russia's invasion
Ends forced arbitration in sexual assault cases in the workplace
Reinstates California authority to set pollution standards for cars
Ends asylum restrictions for children traveling alone
Clarifies the role of podiatric medicine for Veterans
Reauthorizes and strengthens the Violence Against Women Act
Creates Amache National Historic Site as America's newest national park
Makes lynching a federal crime
Initiates "use it, or lose it" policy on drilling on public lands to force oil companies to increase production
Releases one million barrels of oil a day for 6 months from strategic reserves to ease gas prices
Rescinds Trump-era policy allowing rapid expulsion of migrants at border and blocks them from seeking asylum
Expunges student loan defaults
Overhauled the US Postal Service's finances to allow the agency to modernize its service
Requires federal dollars spent on infrastructure to use materials made in America
Restores environmental reviews for major infrastructure projects
Launches $6 billion effort to save distressed nuclear plants
Provides $385 million to help families and individuals with home energy costs through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. This is in addition to $4.5 billion provided in the American Rescue Plan.
Establishes national registry of police officers who are fired for misconduct
Lifts sanctions on the Rojava and other opposition-held territory in Syria
Tightens restrictions on chokeholds, no-knock warrants, and transfer of military equipment to police departments
Requires all federal Law enforcement officers to wear body cameras
$265 million for South Florida reservoir, key component of Everglades restoration
Major wind farm project off West coast to provide electricity for 1.5 million homes
Continues Obama administration's practice of posting log records of visitors to White House
Devotes $2.1 billion to strengthen US food supply chain
Round 6 student loan debt cancelation: $5.8 billion - This is in addition to $20.7 billion previously cancelled
Invokes Defense Production Act to rapidly expand domestic production of critical clean energy technologies
Enacts two-year pause of anti-circumvention tariffs on solar
Allocates funds to federal agencies to counter 300-plus anti-LGBTQ laws by state lawmakers this year alone
Round 7 of student loan cancellation: $6 billion to 200,000 defrauded borrowers - Bringing total to $31 billion
Relaunches cancer 'moonshot' initiative to help cut death rate
Expands access to emergency contraception and long-acting reversible contraception
Prevents states from banning Mifepristone -- a medication used to end early pregnancy that has FDA approval
Steps to ensure the safety of those seeking and providing abortion care, including by protecting mobile clinics
Protecting privacy, safety and security of patients, providers and clinics
21 executive actions to reduce gun violence
Climate Smart Buildings Initiative: Creates public-private partnerships to modernize Federal buildings to meet agencies' missions, create good-paying jobs, and cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - Paying for today's needed renovations with tomorrow's energy savings without requiring upfront taxpayer funding
Safeguards access to health care, including the right to choose and contraception
Oversees effort to admit Finland and Sweden to NATO
Ends Trump-era "Remain in Mexico" policy
Operation Fly-Formula bringing needed baby formula - (19 missions to date)
Executive order protecting travel for abortion
Kills Al Qaeda leader and 9/11 architect Al-Zawahiri with no civilian casualties
Invested more in crime control and prevention than any president in history
As of August 2022, unemployment at 3.5% (50 year low)
Gas Prices drop below $4 a gallon
Provides death, disability, and education benefits to public safety officers and survivors who are killed or injured in the line of duty
Round 8 of student loan cancellation: $3.4 Billion dollars of defrauded IT student loans have been cancelled
Reunites 400 migrant families separated under Trump
$1.66 billion in grants to transit agencies, territories, and states to invest in 150 bus fleets and facilities
Brokers joint US/Mexico infrastructure project - Mexico to pay $1.5 billion for US border security and processing source says
Blocked 4 hospital mergers that would've driven up prices and is poised to thwart more anti-competition consolidation attempts
Gets $1.5 billion in new border control security at the border and got Mexico to pay for it
Historic Police Reform
$750 million to implement and run crisis intervention programs
Ended boyfriend loophole - Previously only married people convicted of domestic abuse were banned from owning firearms. The new law extends it to people who are dating
Requires gun sellers to register as Federally Licensed Firearm Dealers
More thorough reviews of people ages 18-21 who want to buy guns
New statutes against gun trafficking and straw trafficking
Increases funding for mental health programs and school security
Ensures high-quality health care screenings and services to veterans exposed to potential toxic exposure
Extends period of time veterans have to enroll in VA health care from 5 to 10 years post discharge
Codifies VA's new process for evaluating and determining exposure and service connection for various chronic conditions
Removes need for certain veterans and their survivors to prove service connection if diagnosed with one of 23 specific conditions
Requires VA to conduct new studies of veterans health trends
Provides critical resources to VA to ensure delivery of
Invests in VA health care facilities by authorizing 31 major medical health clinics and research facilities in 19 states
Provides $52.7 billion to secure domestic supply of American made semi-conductor chips, create tens of thousands of good-paying, union construction jobs and thousands more high-skilled manufacturing jobs, and catalyze hundreds of billions more in private
$39 billion in manufacturing incentives
$2 billion for the legacy chips used in automobiles and defense systems
$13.2 billion in R&D and workforce development
$500 million to provide international information communications technology security and semiconductor supply chain activities
Provides a 25 percent investment tax credit for capital expenses for manufacturing of semiconductors and related equipment
Largest climate investment in history - Will reduce 40% amount of carbon released into atmosphere by 2030
Defines greenhouse gases as a pollutant making them subjected to pollution laws
$370 billion for U.S. energy security and fighting climate change
Tax incentives for switching to electricity to power homes and vehicles
$60 billion invested creating millions of new domestic clean manufacturing jobs and 550,000 new clean energy jobs
Will quadruple the number of solar panels over the next 8 years
Cuts energy bills by $500 to $1,000 per year
Doubles battery storage on the grid
Invests in disadvantaged communities
$62 billion to extend subsidies for health insurance under the ACA
Provides free vaccines (2023), $35/month insulin for Medicare patients, (2023) and caps out-of-pocket drug costs to an estimated $4,000 or less in 2024 and settling at $2,000 in 2025
Lowers health care costs of the average enrollee $800/year in the ACA marketplace
Allows Medicare to negotiate 100 drugs over the next decade, and requires drug companies to rebate price increases higher than inflation
Inflation Reduction:
Significantly Lowers energy and health care costs for families
Reduces Deficit by $313,000,000,000
Closes tax loopholes used by wealthy: a 15% corporate minimum tax, a 1% fee on stock buybacks and enhanced IRS enforcement
Protects families and small business making under $400,000 a year
The Cost $485 billion of new costs would be offset with $790 billion of additional revenue and savings over a decade.
Total Revenue Raised: $737 billion
15% Minimum tax on corporations with profits exceeding $1 billion
Prescription Drug Pricing Reform: $265 billion
IRS Tax Enforcement: $124 billion
1% Stock Buybacks Fee: $74 billion
Loss Limitation extension: $ 52 billion
Deficit Reduction:
$313 billion dollars
STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS (Round 8 and by far the largest)
$20,000 for everyone with Pell Grants
$10,000 for everyone else making less than $125,000 for individuals & $250,000 married couples
Payments again paused until the end of 2022
Payments for undergrad loans capped at 5% of your income (previously was 10%)
This is addition to the 8 previous rounds of debt cancellation totally $35 billion
20-40 million people will benefit
Codifies DACA into law - Allows dreamers (children of immigrants born in US) ability to work and stay in US
Declares Moonshot Style Effort to Cure Cancer
Hires Dr. Renee Wegrzyn as the inaugural Director of ARPA-H, a new agency to drive biomedical innovation
Launches National Biotechnology and Manufacturing Initiative
Cancer Cabinet's progress towards delivering cancer detection tech and support for researchers across US
Infrastructure Projects in Individual States Created by Infrastructure Bill
All-Time Low Uninsured rate
10 million jobs--more than ever created before at this point of a presidency
3.5% unemployment rate--a near record low in the history of this country
Best Economic growth in over two decades (yes that has been adjusted for inflation)
More than 220 million Americans were vaccinated
Record small business creation
Round nine of student loan forgiveness - $1.5 Billion for defrauded college borrowers
Biden created DOJ task force dismantles human smuggling organization near Texas-American border
Intervened to prevent nation-wide rail strike which would have caused national economic disaster
Blocks Chinese investments in US tech
Eliminates statute of limitations for civil suits for people who were sexually abused as minors
Pardons thousands for simple possession of marijuana
Reevaluating how cannabis is classified. Currently it is schedule I like heroin - Meth & coke are schedule II
Reunited over 500 families separated at the border by Trump policies
Puts new limits on drone strikes including requiring the presidential approval
Brokered deal between Israel and Lebanon ending maritime boundary dispute and establish a permanent maritime boundary between them
PAWS Act: Requires zoos, commercial animal dealers, and research facilities to have contingency plans in place to evacuate and care for animals in an emergency or disaster situation
Increases veterans'' life insurance benefit coverage to $500,000. First increase in 17 years
Ensures US is not funding or participating in human trafficking of 3rd world-country workers through our contracts overseas
Enacts aggressive steps to improve quality of nursing homes
Codifies Gay Marriage into law - Protects Same-Sex and Interracial Marriage
Prohibits private possession of big cats and prohibits exhibitors from allowing direct contact with cubs
Electrifies US Postal trucks by 2026
Stops the forcing out of pregnant workers, or denying reasonable accommodations
Extended health care funding for the 9/11 first-responders and survivors
Streamlined Veterans home loans, provided way to transfer GI Bill benefits to new school, and provided support for survivors of military sexual trauma.
Year Two Accomplishments:
4.5 million jobs added in year two - Over 11 million jobs added in first two years
Unemployment rate at 50 year low
Cuts budget deficit in half - $1.4 trillion deficit reduction is the largest single-year reduction in US history
Greatest year in history for new small business applications - (over 10 million new businesses created)
Record number of Americans having health insurance
This Senate has confirmed 97 federal judges
Limit China's technological development breaking decades of federal policy and represents most aggressive American action yet to curtail Beijing's economic and military rise
Appointed more black women to the court than any president in history
Brokers deal with 13 Indo-Pacific countries to coordinate supply chains to reduce dependence on China
Got republicans to publicly take Social Security and Medicare cuts off the table
Reduced unemployment from 18 million when he took office, down to less than 2 million now
Banned Tik Tok on government sites
Vaccines for tetanus, whooping cough, and shingles (costing up to $200) are now free for seniors on Medicare
Requires utilities to remove perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) from drinking water
Makes $450 million available for solar farms and other clean energy projects at current or former coal mines
732-mile high-voltage transmission line across the Western U.S. that will help transport renewable energy
Directs federal agencies to find ways to make child care cheaper and more accessible
IRS answered 2.4 million more taxpayer calls for assistance due to new funding
$197 million for 100 communities across our nation to invest in wildfire resilience
Safeguard mature and old-growth forests on federal lands, in a science-based approach to reduce wildfire risk
Strengthen reforestation partnerships to support local economies and retain forest ecosystems and sustainable supplies of forest products for years to come
Combat global deforestation to deliver on key COP26 commitments
Comprehensive efforts to deploy nature-based solutions that reduce emissions and build resilience
Added threat of detention and kidnapping to risk factors of travel warnings
Increased consequences to terrorists who engage in the practice of kidnapping
Rail companies grant paid sick days after administration pressure in win for unions
$4 billion effort to electrify U.S. ports and cut emissions
Average job creation almost double any recent president
To date has forgiven $42 billion of student loan debt to borrowers of public service
Record 10.5 million new business applications were filed in first two years of Biden administration
Invests $11 billion for renewable energy in rural areas
US is now building factories at a wildly fast rate
Construction spending by US manufacturers more than doubled from last year
Offered billions of dollars in subsidies in the electric vehicles, semiconductor, and solar panels industries
Added 800,000 jobs in manufacturing in last two years to compete with countries such as China
Got Ticketmaster and Seat Geek to dump junk fees
The Inflation Reduction Act will provide one million solar and wind jobs by 2035
Doubled previous all-time high of new manufacturing construction
Continues negotiations and gets paid sick days for rail workers
Executive order to guarantee women access to contraception - (more will need to be done to make it permanent)
Eliminates US stockpile of chemical weapons
Largest offshore wind project in the US
Round 10 of student loan cancellation: $39 billion for over 800,00 borrowers
Gets big tech commitments to voluntary follow AI guidelines (Including Google, Meta, Microsoft and Amazon)
Stock Market gains in 2023 are the best in decades
Creates Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument - One million acres
Construction of manufacturing facilities in real terms (adjusted for inflation) has more than doubled since 2021
Launches "Saving on a Valuable Education" (SAVE): An income-driven repayment plan cutting borrowers' payments in half, and some with no monthly bill
Creates bilateral collaboration helping Vietnam develop high tech in semiconductor production and artificial intelligence, countering Chinese efforts to do the same in the region
$800 Million to Strengthen Rural Infrastructure and Create Jobs
Round 11 of student debt forgiveness: 12,000 Wisconsinite Student Loans Forgiven
Siemens Kenosha factory to produce solar using tax incentives and will create a half million clean energy jobs
Suspends Trump-era authorization to ship natural gas by rail
Cancels oil and gas leases in Alaskan wildlife refuge that were allowed by Trump administration
Restores power of states and tribes to review projects to protect waterways
Creates 9-state offshore wind supply chain pact while funding $72m towards manufacturing
American Climate Corps launched
DOD to review DADT discharges
At-home COVID tests return
EPA announces $4.6B climate grants
TPS redesignated for Venezuela, protecting additional 450k migrants
$37M University of Phoenix debt forgiven
EO for East Palestine recovery
Prohibits Americans from investing in some Chinese companies
Directs Agencies to Account for Climate Change in Budgets
Creates new office of gun violence prevention
Commits $200 million to reintroduce salmon in Columbia River
$230 million for suicide prevention and behavioral are programs for at risk communities
Cuts funding to college programs leaving grads with unaffordable loans and/or low pay
All schools must provide prospective students with a framework outlining actual costs to get a degree and financial outcomes students can expect
Today's announcement brings the total approved debt cancellation by the Biden-Harris Administration to $127 billion for nearly 3.6 million Americans.
Round 12 of student loan forgiveness of $5.2 billion bring total to $127 billion
Updated federal prevailing wage for first time in decades, raising wages by thousands of dollars
During very tense times, visits Israel and gets them allow humanitarian aid to Gaza
Creates the largest ever offshore windfarm of Virginia's coast
Supports UAW strike resulting in a 30% increase of wages
October economics report shows stunning improvement
34th consecutive month of job growth (150,000 jobs in October)
Longest stretch of unemployment below 4% since the 1960s
GDP surged this past quarter 5% (seasonally adjusted)
Federal Reserve announces interest rates are holding steady
---Auto Strike over! Workers get substantial pay raises (30%)
Eliminates co-payments, enrollment fees and monthly premiums for WWII veterans
Climate Corps sees 42,000 sign-ups since inception
Establishes White House Initiative on Women's Health Research
Reestablishes open and direct communication with China
Brokers deal with Israel & Hamas for release of hostages
Brokers deal to allow Humanitarian aid into Gaza
Child poverty rates fall from 12.6% to 5.8% due to Biden's Expanded Child Tax Credits
2.9 million kids escape poverty
Another 813,000 people have their student loan debt wiped out
Supply chain backlogs are now at the lowest levels in 25 years.
Inflation is at the lowest rate since Biden took office early 2021
New small business applications continue at record rates:
Delivered largest economic recovery plan since Roosevelt
Delivered the largest infrastructure plan since Eisenhower
Confirmed the most judges since Kennedy
Delivered with Obama the second-largest healthcare bill since Johnson
Delivered the largest climate change bill in history
Dow Jones hits 37k for the first time in US history
Authorizes biggest pay raise for troops in more than two decades, despite objections from many conservatives
Brokers ceasefire between Congo and Rwanda, averting major humanitarian crisis
5.2% pay raise for military and federal workers - largest since carter administration
Pardons thousands who were convicted of use and simple possession of marijuana on federal lands
Provides $1 billion for low-emission school buses
$623m in funding to boost electric vehicle charging points
Provides summer grocery money to 21 million kids
Rescinds much of Trump 'conscience' rule for health workers
Reached Conservation Records in 2023 - Safeguarding public lands at a record rate
$1B in awards for clean school buses
Boots Uganda from trade deal over their "Kill the Gays" law
Awards $162M to expand computer chip factories in Colorado and Oregon
Round 13 of student loan forgiveness: Borrowers receiving less than $12,000 in federal loans and have been paying off balances will get remaining student debt cancelled immediately
Round 14 of student debt forgiveness: Another 74,00 have their student loans forgiven
Third year accomplishments:
World's best post-pandemic recovery by far: Doubles all nations except Japan
Job creation at 40 times the rate of the last 3 republican presidents - More than double Clinton and Obama
Longest period of under 4% unemployment since 1969
Created 14 million jobs since he took office - More than any president in history did in four years
16 million applications filed to start small businesses
3.7% unemployment - numbers we have not seen since 1960's
Wages are up more than inflation
Economy grew by 5% in the last quarter
Lowest inflation rate of any major economy in the world
Oil production reaches its largest volume in recorded history
Majority of Biden's appointed judges are women, racial or ethnic minorities - a first for any president
Growth shatters expectations: GDP expands 3.1% - a year beginning with heavy odds of a recession
Black unemployment rate lower under Biden than any other administration (4.7%) - Compared to black unemployment under Trump was 2nd worst number in history, reaching over 16%
Added a record-setting 32.4 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity in 2023
Largest one year decline in homicides in 50 years
Energy production exceeds consumption at levels not seen in 70 years
Growth shatters expectations: GDP expands 3.1% - a year beginning with heavy odds of a recession
Job creation 40 times rate of last 3 republican presidents - More than double Clinton and Obama
Black unemployment rate lower under Biden than any other administration (4.7%) - Compared to black unemployment under Trump was 2nd worst number in history, reaching over 16%
$1 Billion to replace the Blatnik Bridge connecting WI - MN
$600 million to replace the I-5 Bridge between Vancouver, Washington, and Portland, Oregon, with an earthquake-resistant, multimodal bridge.
$427 million to establish the first offshore wind terminal on the West Coast, off California.
$372 million to replace Cape Cod's nearly 90-year-old Sagamore Bridge.
$300 million for a new container terminal for the Port of New Orleans.
$95 million to widen a 10-mile section of I-10 through the Gila River in Arizona.
$142 million to fix the I-376 corridor in Pittsburgh, including an area infamously known as "the bathtub" due to its regular flooding.
$150 million to reconnect communities divided by the Cross Bronx Expressway in New York built in the mid-1900s.
Modernizes American port infrastructure
$3B investment for high speed internet for rural communities
$623 million to build EV charging network
Awards nearly $163 billion in federal contracts to small businesses
$426 million for Northern California offshore wind farm
Post-pandemics recovery is by far the most successful in the world
US oil production hits all-time high
Rescinds Trump-era "Denial of Care" rule that allowed health care workers to deny medical care to patients because of their personal religious or moral belief
Launches $11 billion on semiconductor-related research and development including $5 billion National Semiconductor Technology Center
US Trade Deficit With China Narrows to Lowest Since 2010
$250 million to modernize airports in 37 states
$4.4 million to upgrade Maine's power grid
Violent crime drop significantly since 2020
$5.8 billion to clean up nation's drinking water and upgrade infrastructure
Round 15 of student loan forgiveness: $1.2 billion of federal student loans
Orders cybersecurity regulations for port operators similar to standardized safety regulations preventing injury and damage to people and infrastructure
$500 million to combat wildfire and improve resilience
$1 billion deal with Oregon, Washington, and 4 Columbia River tribes to revive Northwest salmon population
$1.7 billion package to fund initiatives aimed at ending hunger across the United States by 2030
$1 billion toward cleaning up 110 contaminated sites
$28 billion towards substance abuse treatment
$366 million to accelerate clean energy deployment in rural and remote areas
Implemented new rule that cuts credit card late fees $32 to $8
Allows student loan borrowers to repay based on income providing affordable payments and eventual student loan forgiveness
Directs DOJ to issue regulations giving clear protections of sensitive data from access by countries of concern
Bans asbestos
Funds program to fund coast-to-coast bicycle path without hitting a road
Commits $6B to cut emissions from high-carbon industries
Lends $1.5B to restart Michigan nuclear power plant
Allocates $750 million for hydrogen research and development
Restores threatened species protections dropped by Trump
Blocks mining on more than 221,000 acres of federal land in Colorado
First National standard ever for reducing harmful chemicals in drinking water
"Last resort" program keeps tens of thousands of American veterans who were in danger of losing their homes
America's economy growing at double the rate of all other G7 countries
Adds Title IX protections for LGBT students, forbidding discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity
Shields millions of acres of Alaskan wilderness from drilling and mining
$7 billion in federal grants for residential solar projects serving 900,000-plus households
Extends rule requiring overtime pay to workers making under $58,000 annually
Requires airlines to give cash refunds for canceled and significantly delayed flights
Establishes standards to eliminate emissions from new federal buildings by 2030
Lays out conditions for national goal to cut emissions from freight shipping down to zero
Bans most noncompete employment agreements preventing workers from joining competing businesses or launching ones of their own
Reinstates net neutrality
Prohibits federally funded health providers & insurers from discriminating on basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
Canadian Solar, one of the largest solar manufacturing companies in the world coming back to the US, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act
Round 16 of student debt forgiveness: Clears $6 billion in debt for closed art school's students
In 2021 only three states supplied 12 months of post partum care - Three years later 46 states now do
Online platforms and social media companies required to report child sex trafficking and online enticement to NCMEC's tip line
Bans Russian uranium imports
$16 billion investments in Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Round 17 of student debt forgiveness: $7.7 billion for over 160,000 borrowers
Free online tax filing program piloted this year made permanent and scope will be expanded
Executive action ordering the closure of border cutting asylum claims in half (according to FOX News)
Prohibits medical debt from being reported on credit reports
Pardons US Service Members convicted because they were gay
Enacts plan to end Parkinson's disease
Codifies same-sex and interracial marriage
Bolsters nation's nuclear power by speeding timeline for licensing new nuclear reactors and cut fees that companies have to pay to do so
Negotiates the largest and most complicated prisoner exchange since the cold war, which took two years to develop
Negotiates $6 billion savings on 10 most used drugs paid for by Medicare
Protects another 28 million acres in Alaska
$3 billion for rural electric co-ops
$3 billion for port infrastructure, creating good paying union jobs and cleaner air
In four years added 16 million new jobs - 7 million more than pre-covid levels
Biggest surge of wealth since the end of 2019 went to the bottom 50% - Their wealth nearly doubled
COVID-19 vaccination program saved $732 billion, averting illness and related costs during the Delta and Omicron variant waves, with a return of nearly $90 for every dollar spent
Black unemployment at 4.7% - The lowest in US history
Stock market at record highs - Above 40,000 for the first time in history
13.2 million jobs added
Record number of states with unemployment rates at or below 3%
National unemployment rate below 4% for the longest stretch in more than 50 years
First Quarter Crime Statistics
Violent crime at 50 year low
Murder: Down 26.4%
Rape down: Down 25.7%
Robbery down: Down 17.8%
Aggravated Assault: Down 12.5%
Property Crime: Down 15.1%
Domestic manufacturing up 279% since Biden took office
Average hourly earnings up 22.28% since February 2020, surpassing the rate of inflation
In two years, Inflation Reduction Act has created more than 334,000 clean energy jobs
Deaths from street drugs are down 10.6% - First decline in decades
Petitions for union representation doubled, first increase since 1970s
$175 billion in student loan forgiveness for nearly 5 million people
Since WWII, the economy has performed better under Democratic presidents. So why do people think Republicans are better
**Want A Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat**
1. Personal disposable income has grown nearly 6 times more under Democratic presidents
2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown 7 times more under Democratic presidents
3. Corporate profits have grown over 16% more per year under Democratic presidents (they actually declined under Republicans by an average of 4.53%/year)
Average annual compound return on the stock market has been 18 times greater under Democratic presidents (If you invested $100k for 40 years of Republican administrations you had $126k at the end, if if you invested $100k for 40 years of Democrat administrations you had $3.9M at the end)
4. Republican presidents added 2.5 times more to the national debt than Democratic presidents
5. The two times the economy steered into the ditch (Great Depression and Great Recession) were during Republican, laissez faire administrations
**Why Are Republican Presidents So Bad for the Economy?**
G.D.P., jobs and other indicators have all risen faster under Democrats for nearly the past century.
**U.S. Jobs, Income, GDP Growth 'Startlingly' Higher Under Democratic Presidents**
**Over the last 6 decades--60 years or so, history has tended to favor Democratic presidents in terms of economic performance**
**During the final 3 years of Barack Obama's presidency 2014. 2015 . 2016 , the number of jobs added was 1.5 million greater than the number added during Trump's first 3 years in office 2017 2018 2019**
**Trump inherited a booming economy -- and handed Biden a nation 'in shambles'**
**Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover**
Trump will be first president since WWII to lose jobs during tenure. The U.S. lost 140,000 jobs in December 2020 in the final jobs report of Trump's presidency. This means the nation has about 3 million fewer jobs than it did 4 years ago UNDER THE BLACK GUY --OBAMA, meaning Trump will be the first president to lose jobs over his term since employment data was collected in this way. NBC News Now correspondent Simone Boyce explains how it all unfolded.
Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It'll Weigh Down the Economy for Years The "King of Debt" promised to reduce the national debt -- then his tax cuts made it surge. Add in the pandemic, and he oversaw the third-biggest deficit increase of any president.
The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump's time in office
Republican tax cuts are the driving force behind the country's worsening fiscal outlook.
If not for the Bush tax cuts and their extensions -- as well as the Trump tax cuts -- revenues would be on track to keep pace with spending indefinitely, Instead, these tax cuts have added $10 trillion to the debt since their enactment and are responsible for 57 percent of the increase in the debt ratio since 2001
Trump spent $32 billion in 2018 to help ease the burdern his own trade war
The Trump tax cuts will pay for themselves he said
Trump Tax Cuts Cost $7.8 Trillion, Aid Top Earners, Study Finds Top 1 percent found to receive about 40% of proposals' benefit Plan's revenue raisers seen leaving deficit of $3.5 trillion
"Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump's got it back to a trillion."