Anchorage initiative seeks to limit bathroom and locker room use to gender on birth certificate [View all]
The backers of a new Anchorage ballot initiative want voters to decide whether to require people to use public locker rooms or restrooms that match the gender on their birth certificate.
The bathroom initiative was submitted March 28 and is a pared-down version of an earlier "Protect Our Privacy" initiative, a more wide-ranging attempt to dismantle Anchorage's legal protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. The new version has the same title and leading sponsors, Kim Minnery and Stephanie Williams.
But this time, the initiative zeroes in on the section of the nearly two-year-old Anchorage law that gave transgender people the right to use bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their gender identity.
Other states, including North Carolina and Texas, have been hotly debating similar legislation, also called "bathroom bills."
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