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In reply to the discussion: Iowa Poll: Kamala Harris leapfrogs Donald Trump to take lead near Election Day. [View all]bcoley
(4 posts)I was shocked . . . and in party mode . . . when I first heard about the new Des Moines Register poll. It's a well-respected poll about which the Iowa GOP leadership howled loudly Saturday night.
Interestingly, the Emerson Poll, out of Emerson College in Boston, also released a poll about Iowa on Saturday, but that poll showed Trump with a ten point lead. Both polls had an ~800 person sample size, but the Iowa Poll limited its review to Iowans who either had already voted or who definitely planned to vote. Perhaps the Emerson poll didn't filter for the likelihood of participants' voting?
The Iowa Poll has a recent history of being within 1-3 points of the final margin in presidential, senatorial, and gubernatorial elections. Until they're proven wrong this election, I'm trusting (and smiling about) it.
p.s. If you want the details about the Iowa Poll, here's a link to the story on the Des Moines Register's website: