A Letter to Evangelical Trump supporters: Trump has sold you out. [View all]
Trump has flip flopped on the key issue of abortion rights. After bragging to you that he appointed three Supreme Court justices who were key in overturning the Roe v. Wade decision, which made women's reproductive health care a constitutional right, he now claims that he's not opposed to abortion, that a six week window in laws restricting access to abortion is not long enough, that he is OK with each individual state determining, by vote, whether to allow abortion rights or not, and that he's willing to live with the referendum results in Ohio, Kansas, Kentucky and other conservative states where voters sent the message to their state legislators that they want abortion to be safe and legal.
More importantly than that, he clearly stated that he would not be in favor of a federal law banning all abortions, something every politically oriented Evangelical group supports 100%.
In other words, he's sold you out in order to get votes, because he has seen that a significant percentage of the population wants the protections of Roe v. Wade restored. He can't just take a reverse position because that would make him look like he made a mistake, so he invented this ridiculous argument that "everyone wanted the states to be able to do this." That, by the way, was a big lie. Not even all Republicans wanted that. But his pathological lying has never seemed to bother you much, has it?
So, according to what Trump said in the debate last night, if all 50 states passed laws making access to all women's reproductive health care decisions back to the women, including abortions, he would support that because the states voted for it. And he would not support any attempt in Congress to pass a national abortion ban. That goes against every reason you have ever given for supporting a moral degenerate like that as a candidate for President. It's the one thing you have consistently used to defend your support for someone like him, who rejects even the basic premise of a Christian conversion experience.
Do you really have strong convictions and beliefs about this? Let's see. Put your money where your mouth has been.