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Showing Original Post only (View all)The Musk-Trump regime is conducting an online Blitzkrieg against America [View all]
By Wicked Blue
The threats, the tweets, the shocking news conferences are coming at us faster than we can respond.
And that is precisely their plan. Blitzkrieg, a tactic employed by Nazi German during World War 2, is a coordinated military effort to overwhelm an enemy. What we are experiencing is a coordinated propaganda effort to overwhelm us.
Others have written about the campaign of "shock and awe" being used to overwhelm news media, elected officials and courts of law as well as the American public. Whatever it is called, the idea is to blast us with issues upon issues until we become numb and incapable of reacting.
Keeping up with their latest deviltry is exhausting. But we have no choice except to monitor them intensely, so some outrage won't slip past our notice.
How do we respond to this?
The key is to focus, the way you focus while driving. You concentrate on the road directly in from of you, but you maintain awareness of things happening at the periphery, and take occasional glances in the rear view mirror.
We have to sift through their planned chaos to focus on the most critical issue facing our nation. Forget the sideshows: they are intentionally set up to distract us.
The crucial issue at this time is whether anyone can stop the Musk-Trump regime from destroying and looting our our government, our Constitution, and our nation. Who can stop them, and how can it be done?
They have already stated they will ignore judges that rule against them. Will they ignore Congress if it suddenly refuses to cooperate with one of more of their schemes? Probably.
Will the regime reject a ruling by the Supreme Court if it disallows one or more of the regime's initiatives?
Three of the nine justices on the court were appointed by Trump in his previous term. Conservatives hold a 6-3 majority. The court ruled in Trump v. United States (2024) that a president has both civil and criminal immunity for their official acts.
If one of the legal cases concerning the actions of the Musk-Trump regime comes before the Supreme Court, will the justices refuse to accept it, and send it back to a lower court? That would be one way for them to pass the buck and avoid committing themselves.
The justices could accept accept a case, hear it, and postpone judgment until months later, during which time the issue might become moot. Stalling would enable them to delay the question of taking responsibility for controlling, or not controlling, the actions of the regime.
If they do decide to act, they could rule that the case in question is covered by presidential immunity.
What we hope, of course, is that a majority of justices will decide that the most egregious actions of the Musk-Trump regime are prohibited under the Constitution, and enjoin them from continuing.
Even then, could anyone enforce such a ruling by the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court does not have a police force. The Supreme Court cannot command US Marshals or the military to enforce a ruling.
There is an interesting discussion on this issue posted six years ago on politics.stackexchange.
How can the Judicial Branch enforce its orders? was the question posted.
The reply with the highest score, posted by ohwilleke in 2018 states:
"Unless the President can almost unanimously convince all of the myriad components of the military and law enforcement that his defiance of the U.S. Supreme Court or a Congressional impeachment is proper, he faces the prospects of a bloody military struggle to retain control."
and concludes:
"So, any President who wants to attempt to defy the Courts needs to have the overwhelming near unanimous support of the people with guns and the people whose support is needed to rule at both the federal and state and local level, which is not an easy thing to manage."
I have no idea what course the current Supreme Court might take if confronted with a case requiring it to determine the constitutionality of one of more actions of the Musk-Trump Regime. There may be legal scholars capable of making educated guesses, but I am not a legal scholar.
The Supreme Court may be the only entity capable of putting a peaceful stop to the rampaging regime, assuming that Musk and Trump would accept the court's ruling.
God/Goddess help us all if the Supreme Court fails America, or if the Musk-Trump regime elects to defy it.