I do not hate Wall Street [View all]
I don't think anyone hates Wall Street. One might feel a real unease in thinking of Wall Street, or even a fair bit of resentment. But hate? No. Wall Street is, at its heart, just a bunch of people. It's people. Mitt Romney was right, until he bounded to organizations having civil rights.
The bible says we shouldn't hate one another. Does it say we need to love the system?
One could hate the way the system is rigged to funnel money and power to the top. One could hate how the megacorporations of the World are largely owned by just a handful of people, who through the megacorporation-owned media have us believing that our 100 shares of GE or Boeing make us big shots.
I don't hate Wall Street. But I hate that traders' computer programs can see my stock order and can buy that stock and sell it to me at a higher price without my possibly noticing. And I hate all these other little things that are nothing more than little tiny rip-offs day after day, each too little to justify raising a stink, but effective at sucking money out of my pocket (and a million others) and delivering it to they who already have too much.